Home » today » Entertainment » Brad Pitt’s new love “married wife of 26 years”!The intimate interaction was all photographed and the woman was captured | Today Starlight Cloud | EToday News Cloud

Brad Pitt’s new love “married wife of 26 years”!The intimate interaction was all photographed and the woman was captured | Today Starlight Cloud | EToday News Cloud

Reporter Liu Yiting / full report

58-year-old Hollywood actor Brad Pitt (Brad Pitt) had two marriages. He has a colorful love world. Recently, he was photographed with a new love. The woman is his married wife Ines, who is 26 years younger than him. Ines de Ramon (Ines de Ramon), they are said to have been dating for several months. Recently, the two showed up on the show, which seems to be intentional to clarify their relationship.

▲ Brad Pitt (right) and Inis Dilamon (left) recently appeared in public to attend the concert. (Photo/Video Dazhi)

Brad Pitt recently appeared in public with Inis Dillamon, listening to Bono’s concert in Los Angeles. During the period, the two were photographed interacting and being intimate. In addition to walking side by side, he once put his hands on the chatting woman’s shoulders. It was reported that the woman is 32 years old and is engaged in the jewelry and fashion business.

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▲Brad Pitt has blown up a new love

▲Brad Pitt was photographed interacting intimately with Inis Dilamon. (Photo/Video Dazhi)

However, according to foreign media “People” reports, Ines Dillamon only split from “Vampire Diaries” actor Paul Wesley (Paul Wesley) this year, but people familiar with the matter broke the news that she and Brad Pitt have been dating for several months , the two met through an introduction from a mutual friend, “Brad Pitt really likes her.”

Brad Pitt has had two marriages in the past and the two ex-wives were all big coffees, including Jennifer Aniston (Jennifer Anniston) and Angelina Jolie (Angelina Jolie), but both divorced; Inis Dillamon was photographed dating Paul Wesley in June 2018. At the time, both were wearing wedding bands on their ring fingers. After three years of marriage, they broke up in September this year. At the time, the agent also confirmed that the two had been separated for 5 months.

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