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BPOM Reveals Coffee Brands Contain Paracetamol

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

National Agency of Drug and Food Control (BPOM) revealed a number of coffee brands that contain medicinal chemicals, namely paracetamol and male tonic.

BPOM detailed that the coffee brands are Kopi Jantan, Kopi Cleng, Kopi Bapak, Spider, Urat Madu, and Jakarta Bandung. There has been no information from the coffee producer regarding BPOM’s findings.

Head of BPOM, Penny K. Lukito reminded about the dangers of using medicinal chemicals in processed food products. BPOM, he said, found coffee containing paracetamol and sildenafil during prosecution in Bandung City and Bogor Regency.

“Medicinal Chemicals are materials that are prohibited from being used in traditional medicines and processed foods. Medicinal chemicals such as Paracetamol and Sildenafil are materials used for drug production,” said Penny in her statement, Sunday (6/3).

Penny explained that the inappropriate use of Paracetamol and Sildenafil can result in mild, severe side effects and even death.

Penny said, Paracetamol can cause side effects of nausea, allergies, low blood pressure, blood disorders, and if used continuously can cause more fatal effects such as damage to the liver and kidneys.

While Sildenafil can cause side effects ranging from mild such as nausea, diarrhea, redness of the skin, to more serious reactions such as seizures, irregular heartbeat, blurred vision or sudden blindness, it can even cause death.

“If not used according to the rules of use (dose), these medicinal chemicals can pose a high risk and side effects that can endanger health,” he said.

BPOM has found 15 types of finished products or 5,791 pcs of processed food containing BKO and 36 types or 18,212 pcs of traditional medicine containing BKO.

In addition, production materials and raw materials were also found. Namely, 32 kg of raw materials for illegal drugs containing Paracetamol and Sildenafil, 5 kg of home products or semi-finished mixed materials, capsule shells and various types of packaging materials such as aluminum foil for sachets, cartons, plastics, and holograms.

BPOM stated that the evidence of processed food and traditional medicine was found, such as Male Coffee, Cleng Coffee, Mr Coffee, Spider, Honey Urat, and Jakarta Bandung. These products are suspected to contain BKO Paracetamol and Sildenafil.

“The economic value of this evidence is estimated at 1.5 billion rupiah,” said Penny.

Penny said that her party has monitored and analyzed online sales of processed food products containing Medicinal Chemicals under the Kopi Jantan brand in the period October-November 2021. As a result, sales of these products have an average transaction value of Rp. 7 billion per month.

In this action, BPOM also uncovered two actors responsible for producing and distributing illegal food and traditional medicines.

The perpetrators of illegal food production and distribution may be subject to Article 136 of Law Number 18 of 2012 concerning Food and Article 140 of Law Number 18 of 2012 concerning Food as amended by Article 64 of Law Number 11 of 2020 concerning Job Creation.

Meanwhile, the perpetrators who produce and distribute illegal traditional medicines containing medicinal chemicals can be punished in accordance with Article 196 of Law Number 36 of 2009 concerning Health and Article 197 of Law Number 36 of 2009 concerning Health as amended by Article 60 of Law Number 11 Year 2020 concerning Job Creation.
Penny also said that this network had been producing and distributing illegal products for two years or since December 2019.

“The POM Agency will continue to develop and identify other networks. This is done to suppress the circulation of illegal drug and food products and eradicate the circulation of illegal drug raw materials in Indonesia,” he said.


[Gambas:Video CNN]

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