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Boyolali Health Office Will Overcome Dengue Fever With Mosquito Livestock, Here’s How

Solopos.com, BOYOLALI – Cases of dengue hemorrhagic fever or DHF are still a concern of the Regency Government Boyolali because the number of cases tends to increase every year.

To overcome the dengue case, the Boyolali District Health Office plans to implement a mosquito breeding program in 2021. Head of Boyolali District Health Office, Ratri S Survivalina, said that in an effort to overcome dengue fever, there are several programs that have been running so far.

The program includes PSN or the eradication of mosquito nests using the 3M plus method (draining, burying or sorting trash and closing water storage places). Also monitoring mosquito larvae with one house one monitor program.

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However, he admitted that he could not optimally prevent transmission dengue fever in Boyolali Regency. “Evidently [program yang sudah berjalan] less satisfactory results. Because of the 10 Puskesmas covering 22 endemic villages of Boyolali, positive cases still appear from year to year, “he said, Monday (19/10/2020).

Because that’s also Dinas Health Boyolali Regency will continue to make efforts to make program innovations or breakthroughs in controlling DHF. One of them is by running a mosquito livestock program.

Wolbachia bacteria

Of course not just any mosquito that will be bred. The mosquito is Aedes aegypti mosquito that is infected with the Wolbachia bacteria. This bacterium has been researched by the World Mosquito Program in Jogja for 10 years since 2011.

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According to the Head of the Boyolali Health Office, from the results of the study, it was found that the Aedes aegypti mosquito containing the wolbachia bacteria was not a source of dengue fever transmission. It can even eradicate dengue fever.

That is because if the mosquitoes are released they will mate with local mosquitoes that do not contain bacteria. “With this marriage, mosquitoes in the wild become mosquitoes containing wolbachia bacteria, so that over time the mosquitoes in that location do not become a source of dengue infection anymore,” said Ratri.

Regarding the program plan, Raktri said that he had held outreach to structural officials and heads of Puskesmas in endemic areas. He said that in 2021 the DHF eradication program from the Boyolali Health Office would add another, namely the mosquito livestock program.

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Meanwhile, regarding the development of cases of dengue hemorrhagic fever in Boyolali, Ratri said that out of 22 villages with endemic status, there was an increasing trend in the number of cases.

Number of Cases

He said that in 2017 there were 36 cases, then 2018 increased to 40 cases and 2019 to the peak, namely 149 cases. Then in 2020 to October 91 cases have been recorded.

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“The case most often appears in the village of Sambi [Kecamatan Sambi], Donohudan Village [Kecamatan Ngemplak]. Then Karanggeneng Village [Kabupaten Boyolali], Candi Village [Kecamatan Ampel] and Pelem Village in Simo, “he said.

The mosquito livestock program to tackle dengue fever in Boyolali will only apply to endemic villages or areas. “This is still a new innovation and we must involve the community to be willing and willing to breed mosquitoes. This may require approach and guidance. The success of this program also needs evaluation for three years,” he said.

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