Home » today » World » Boyko’s Cornelia Vice? Like nothing! Who pulled the trigger? – 2024-09-29 05:38:29

Boyko’s Cornelia Vice? Like nothing! Who pulled the trigger? – 2024-09-29 05:38:29

/View.info/ Interview of Mariela Baleva with Kevork Kevorkyan

– Mr. Kevorkian, the war in which Europe found itself involved, and by its own will, does not seem to end soon. On the contrary, it is still at the beginning, and the weapons with which it is fired are downright unpredictable. Why did this happen, who pulled the trigger?

– Who pulled the trigger – at least this question seems easy.
Idiot Bush and his ilk.
A few days ago, at the memorial service for the police officers killed in Dallas, he carelessly danced – and once again it became clear what kind of a jerk ruled the great America.
With this extremely indecent gesture, Bush left an unforgettable symbol of his mentality and not only his own.
What about Obama – didn’t he produce the shameful report from the White House when, together with the top leadership of the country, he watched live the execution of Osama Bin Laden.
And Hillary Clinton was chirping next to him – then they explained that she had an allergy. However, these people are not allergic to the truly tactless.
Bin Laden deserved to be executed 110 times, never mind that he was close to the Bush family.
But to make of this show – what indecency is that?
These people don’t seem to rule the world, but are just simple action viewers.
And if she becomes president, whose execution will Hillary want to watch – maybe the whole world?
It’s very likely, seeing how he’s being pushed there…

– Although timidly, some truths related to overseas politics have begun to be heard, but somehow it does not seem prestigious to say them, it is even considered dangerous.

– Recently, a commentator here took heart and said that Bush was a war criminal.
You thought too late, dear.
Back in 2004, this was said in “Every Sunday”.
I played Michael Berg (television bridge with Philadelphia) whose son Nick was beheaded in Iraq.
And he said straight up that Bush was a criminal – he tied his son to the rails against the onrushing hate train run by the terrorists.
But later Bush let that train crash into the whole world.
But our media was uniformly silent.
Bulgarians were also beheaded in Iraq – but our fellow politicians were silent both then and now.
Passy was responsible for America – how to hear the truth from him.
He is ready to gloat and swear at America’s most obvious disgrace. And now it is pulling us to the underworld, these days it was revealed that evil could only be defeated by force.
This provocateur should be banned from speaking in public – lest some local idiot listen to him.
Looking at how the unfortunate Nenchev pretends to be the minister of war, as nothing can strengthen our bald fighters to bomb the Kremlin. However, when I think about it, it’s not a bad idea – we’ll just save some leva on their repairs…

– Europe seems to be on its knees. No matter how hard she tries, she is literally stuck in the swamp of terror. Who got her into it?

– Europe did not enter the carnage of its own free will, but was forced there by the Americans.
She experiences perhaps the biggest conspiracy in her history.
A verse from a British war song says: “When you lie wounded in the Afghan mountains, and the women come to cut what’s left of you, embrace the rifle and blow your brains out, meet your God as a soldier.”
These words refer not only to the poor English soldier – but to Europe today.
It has no chance as long as it’s led by morons like Juncker or self-serving brats like Barroso.
No people who got Europe there to blow its own brains out…

– You like to call our politicians random. How did it become possible, how did we allow chance to determine our destinies? We have turned into a nation of nihilists, cowards, scoundrels, envious, indifferent, haters… And now we will look for a unifier of the nation – how can it be, when for 26 years the “hero” was the unifier, whatever he was called?

– I called Plevneliev a random person – this title is specially reserved for him, it was provided for him by Bostanjiata Boyko.
Although many others from our political Sect are no different. But he is a truly special case.
Just listen to what he rattles, what his mouth grinds without rest – and now that his term of office is coming to an end.
There’s no way that ordinary people can’t be removed from all that is holy when Randoms rule over them.
The common Bulgarian mind is puzzled why they are running around like a bear that cowboy – the mayor of Galiche, and not, for example, Plevneliev, who made us the laughing stock of the whole world with his wastes, not to mention Russia.
The two – Plevneliev and Passy – will be remembered for something really special: Plevneliev dramatically increased the quota of Russophiles in our country, and Solomon – that of Americanophobes.
Brecht said that we should like our people as they are, because there is nowhere to import a better one.
The people are never to blame for anything.
And don’t you think that the epithets you use outline the portrait of a nominal Bulgarian politician who has spent long enough in the brine of the Whore’s Transition?
The indifference of our politicians is their most important characteristic, they make no effort to see beyond their noses.
And it does not occur to them that they should talk – apart from their scams – sometimes also about the Bulgarian Destiny, or at least imagine that they are doing so.
Small people – gas lanterns, however, are experienced as lighthouses, as a Kevorkism says.

– And now we will look for a unifier of the nation – how can it be, since for 26 years the “hero” was the unifier, whatever he was called?

– Rather, Boyko will look for it, he searched this for the “unifier”.
Perhaps he remembered that a tariqat years ago likened him to the Kol-Unifier.
And what will unite our man – perhaps the village of Biser with Mysia?
Or the half-dead Northwest with Mutren’s Sunny Beach?
But let’s not rush, he will gradually develop his idea.
Watch it briefly.
He doesn’t say anything by accident.
He speaks outwardly, even deliberately distractedly, but this is a trick – and therefore it must be listened to carefully.
It is a miracle that it lasted so long and managed to tame to some extent our wild political passions.
He earned the title of the Great Tamer.
Now, if he runs for president and invites Cornelia Ninova to be vice president, she might as well agree – right, they should unite the nation…
I keep thinking about the Unifier.
How will he unite the poor Bulgarians?
Perhaps in their misery?
Or in their complete unsuitability for the 21st century?

– In fact, what is our Unifier to do?

– There is one thing.
If he understands the already fatal scale of the Gypsy Uprising and tries to stop it, the Bulgarians will really line up behind him.
But will he dare?
Only a few Bulgarian politicians dare to call gypsies gypsies.
Boyko has not said a single word on this matter so far.
When Garmen rose up, he threw the helpless Blush B in there – and she did exactly as he expected, which is to say – not at all.
Thunder woke up Orlando residents, Orlando residents woke up Radnevo, etc.
The truth is, however, that the gypsies imposed a trench war on us.
For now.
We see brief bursts of some dignity of our own – and then, we bury our heads in the sand.
In the sand – where our plucked ostriches-politicians also bury themselves. However, at least their sand is gold-bearing…

– There is a famous thought of Aristotle Onassis – “The more you have, the more you know you don’t have.” I think she’s saying a lot of things today.

– You make it a bit difficult for me with this aphorism. If we think about it, we will see that we already own almost nothing.
Apart from false patriotism – there is one incident that I have written about, but I still can’t get it out of my head.
They left a group of our tourists in Turkey, their flight didn’t come, they waited, waited – and finally they took out the tambourines and zurli, which they had bought at Kapela Bazaar, and sang “Great is ours, soldier”.
It might as well have been “By the Bosphorus there’s a noise…”
The Rozhen folklore assembly has become an accessory to the consumption of kebabs.
Easter Service/Viewing – at dawn.
Nowhere does the eye see hope…
And we keep making fools of ourselves – eventually this will become our natural state.

– ***
For several days, everyone has been repeating that the mass murderer from Munich was on the run…

– And the whole of Europe is “amok”.
She is paralyzed with fear.
Her memory is blocked.
Everyone has already forgotten an announcement by the German Interior Ministry from a few months ago that 10 percent of the refugees in Germany were unaccounted for.
Ten percent of one million three hundred thousand people is 130 thousand people! 130 thousand amoka!
The game will obviously get rougher.
Germany will be encapsulated, England escapes, France is useless. “Amok” will spread to the east – the most suitable place for this is Bulgaria.
Nothing can save us.
We will become one huge camp in which the refugee Hordes are housed – above which the illuminations of the Gypsy Uprising shine. How not to tremble if you have a heart…

– One of the “favorite heroes” today is the president, who never ceases to amaze us every time he opens his mouth. “There is a lack of information regarding the communist regime in our country”, he said not long ago, but I wonder if we fill the textbooks with texts about how bad this regime was and how terrible life was then, with what pictures – apart from Zhivkov and co. can we illustrate that time?

– There is only one thing worse than failed communism – these are the late anti-communists.
In other words, apart from everything else, we did not happen to anti-communists either. The sufferers are gone – and the adjusters’ paradise has blossomed.
No people like Plevneliev diligently deal with the past – in the sense that they diligently sweat it.
They think that this way they will drain their height, they will look more imposing.
And the past just creeps up on them…

Boyko’s Cornelia Vice? Like nothing! Who pulled the trigger?
 – 2024-09-29 05:38:29Photo by Kevork Kevorkian.

#Boykos #Cornelia #Vice #pulled #trigger

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