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Boyko: A terrible winter awaits us with the refugees –

/ world today news/ The Ministry of the Interior and the military asked for 204 million extra for the protection of the furrow.
Economic emigrants should start repatriating, Mitov said

Europe to prepare for a huge humanitarian crisis in winter. Prime Minister Boyko Borisov gave this warning in connection with the wave of refugees from the Middle East yesterday. “Until the US and Russia come to an agreement on basic issues, this wave of refugees will continue to flood Europe and Europe will suffer,” the Prime Minister pointed out.

And he added: “It must be done so that these people stay in their native places, or Europe prepares for a huge humanitarian crisis in the winter.” From the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Border Police, they have already requested an additional 204 million BGN for the protection of our borders until the end of the year, it became clear from the Prime Minister’s words. “This is huge money, people are posted every day. Our border guards are exhausted,” said Borisov.

And he argued for the deployment of parts of the Bulgarian army as follows: “Since in these huge masses of people who cross our border, there may also be those who are not welcome, a small part of the army should assist there, instead of the border policemen “. The Prime Minister called the rumors that someone on the Bulgarian borders would use violence against the refugees “absolute speculation”. “The military are there to bring respect, to bring security to these people and, if the bad guys come, to be able to react,” said Borisov.

“I thank my colleagues for showing such understanding. We are one country, but we decided this together with all countries,” he added. “Tens of thousands of people cannot cross our border and we do not take elementary preventive measures by escorting more serious units there,” the prime minister noted.

Earlier in the day, Foreign Minister Daniel Mitov told BNT that the lightest armored vehicles and up to 25 military personnel were sent to the border, who will monitor for a possible increased immigration flow. “You know, when there is a problem with your neighbor, at some point this problem can be transferred to you as well. We cannot ignore the fact that our neighbors have a certain problem and we must strive to help them in every way,” noted Mitov. According to him, for too long, the measures to fight against the “Islamic State” have not had an effect, and a new strategy is needed to deal with the problem.

“The reasons are clear – especially the conflict in Syria, the growing influence of the so-called Islamic State is the main generator of refugee flows, and our efforts should be directed there much more seriously,” our foreign minister also stated. Mitov also paid serious attention to the fact that EU countries should start making a clear distinction between economic immigrants and refugees. “Let’s start paying much more serious attention to the countries where all these people are coming from, and those who are practically economic emigrants should start repatriating, going back,” said the No. 1 diplomat.

Gendarmerie and on the border with Turkey

From today, units of the gendarmerie will guard our border with Turkey. By order of the Minister of Internal Affairs, Rumyana Bachvarova, forces of the Gendarmerie Directorate with the relevant specialized equipment and equipment will be added to the composition of the RDGP-Elhovo, the press center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs announced. The gendarmes will join the specialized police operation with the task of assisting the Border Police officers in guarding the Bulgarian-Turkish border.


We’re making millions from smuggling busts

Boyko Borisov, Prime Minister

For the staff of the Ministry of the Interior

At the moment, the Ministry of Internal Affairs is suffocating primarily because of the madness that the previous government did with the populist salary increase in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, without any financial provision in the budget for this. This is like inviting colleagues to a restaurant, eating, drinking and telling someone you will pay the bill and leaving. That’s what Plamen Oresharski did. He raised their salaries by 200 million without it being in the budget. We now, against the background of crises and everything else that is happening, must also fill these holes. I will give them this money, because together with all my government colleagues we are working against smuggling and corruption so that we collect millions more. But it’s not fair to spend and then have someone else foot the bill. We haven’t spent a lev from the debt and the fiscal reserve, you see – 11 billion are sitting there. What we are spending and what I have promised the military is because of our good work against corruption and smuggling. For this, we also gave 100 million more to pensioners, that is why we are building highways that have not been touched since socialist times, that is why we also gave 107 million to tobacco producers and millions more to individual industries.

For fuel checks

We want people to have normal fuel prices and when a person goes to refuel, the gasoline or kerosene or gas bottle should be of good quality. And accordingly, as much as he paid – to be poured into his tank. I congratulate the prosecutor’s office, the NRA, the Customs Agency and everyone who monitors the situation on a daily basis. This will not be a campaign, it will go, as you can see – the revenues immediately raised the budget, the fuel consumption from the state immediately increased, and it turned out that in July, August we drove cars less. This also means money for the military – to be able to buy equipment. We do it for the people. This will continue until they are disciplined. Now, in the energy sector, the unit has already started working, and I expect similar results there as in smuggling – revenues are growing and you can see them on the MoF website.

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