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Boy falls out of a window in Washinghton Heights – Telemundo New York (47)

NEW YORK – A three-year-old boy fell from a second-story window of his building in the Washington Heights neighborhood on Friday night, but miraculously was unhurt after falling on a woman walking down the same street.

A video captured the distressing moments after the incident when the little boy is lying on the sidewalk, crying as two people attended to him. The mother, who did not want to be identified, said that little Saldiel was taking a nap, but when she went to check up he was no longer there.

“I was frantically looking for him when a boy came in saying that a boy had fallen, so I told him it was him, that he was,” he said, “I went out to look and saw it was him.”

The mother believes that she somehow managed to crawl through the gap between the air conditioner and the window. Witnesses say the boy fell onto the awning downstairs, cushioning his fall a bit, before bouncing off a woman who was just passing by.

“His eyes were open, he seemed to be fine. His leg was a little bad,” said one witness.

“It was a miracle from God, because he fell on top of the lady. We cannot explain it, everything happened so fast,” said another relative.

The boy was rushed to the hospital, but was hardly injured. It is expected to be fine.

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