Home » today » News » Boy arrested for threatening with automatic weapons – NRK Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

Boy arrested for threatening with automatic weapons – NRK Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

It was at 01.58 that the police received the first report of the boy with an automatic weapon.

– The person who reported to the police felt that he was charged with knowledge and will, says operations manager Sindre Molnes.

Another person reported and the police defined it as a plivo incident. That is, ongoing life-threatening violence.

– We sent what we had of resources to that place.

– We gradually gained observation of both weapons and person with our own forces, and gained control of person without drama. The weapon was also secured, says the operations manager.

He says that the boy was drunk and that the police do not know if he intended to use the weapon.

The weapon appears to be real, and will now be examined for whether it is possible to shoot with or if it has been sealed.

The police take the incident very seriously.

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