Home » today » Business » Bought out!Beishang Capital has “running into the market” for 10 consecutive days. The net inflow in January has approached the whole year of 2022, and the large-scale increase in 36 shares

Bought out!Beishang Capital has “running into the market” for 10 consecutive days. The net inflow in January has approached the whole year of 2022, and the large-scale increase in 36 shares

(Original title: Bought out! Beishang Capital has “running into the market” for 10 consecutive days, and the net inflow in January has approached the whole year of 2022, and the large-scale increase in 36 shares! The concept of semiconductors has become popular, and the performance of multiple stocks is expected to double)

Since January, the net inflow of funds from the north has been close to the whole year of 2022.

Semiconductor concept stocks collectively rose

On January 17, the stock index shrank and adjusted slightly, closing down 0.1%; the Shenzhen Component Index rose 0.13%, the ChiNext Index closed up 0.24%, and the Kechuang 50 rose more than 1%.

In terms of sectors, the semiconductor and components sector continued to strengthen, closing up 2.47%. Among the individual stocks, Biwin Storage, Broadcom Integration rose by the daily limit, Awinic, Smart-W, etc. rose by more than 10%; Hongwei Technology, Hengxuan Technology, Siripu and other stocks rose by more than 7%.

Guosen Securities said that the year-on-year growth rate of global semiconductor sales has declined for 11 consecutive months. With the gradual digestion of downstream inventories, the semiconductor industry is gradually entering the bottoming period, and attention should be paid to the design link that has the opportunity to bottom out and recover first this year.

According to statistics from Securities Times·Databao, as of now, 18 semiconductor concept stocks have announced their annual performance, and 5 of them have a net profit increase of more than 100%.

Juchen’s performance growth currently ranks first, mainly due to the company’s large-scale supply of products used in high value-added markets such as memory modules, automotive electronics, and industrial control, which has driven a significant increase in profitability.

The performance of the leading stock NAURA is expected to increase by 94.91%-141.32%, and the company’s electronic process equipment and electronic components business performance has achieved continuous growth.

Zhongtai Securities said that the semiconductor sector continued its upward trend. Judging from the perspective of the cycle, the market has high expectations for the design and passive sectors to bottom out in 2023, and continues to be optimistic about the layout opportunities of the design and passive sectors.

CITIC Securities believes that the semiconductor industry cycle is in the bottom stage, and design companies and downstream customers are actively promoting destocking. Looking forward to 2023, with the gradual recovery of downstream demand, it is optimistic that the industry cycle will bottom out around the second quarter of 2023 and return to the upward stage.

The cumulative net purchase of funds from Beijing is approaching the full year of 2022

Today, another net inflow of 9.288 billion yuan in funds from Beijing went north, which has been a net inflow for 10 consecutive days. As one of the most determined forces to buy A-shares in the near future, since January, the accumulated net purchases of Beijing funds have reached 89.146 billion yuan, which is close to the net purchase amount of 90.02 billion yuan for the whole year of 2022.

Industrial Securities said that looking back on 2017-2022, the inflow of capital from the north has an obvious “good start” effect. Over the years, foreign capital will increase their positions in A-shares from January to February, accounting for a median of 20.9% of the annual net inflow. %. The industries in which foreign capital increased their positions significantly at the beginning of the year are expected to lead the market.

CICC predicts that in 2023, the annual net inflow of overseas funds (QFII, RQFII, and Beijing funds) into A shares may be 300 billion to 400 billion yuan.

36 shares have been greatly increased by Beijing capital

According to the statistics of Databao, as of January 16, compared with the holdings at the end of December 2022, a total of 36 shares have been increased by more than 10% from Beijing Capital, and the latest number of shares is more than 100 million shares.

Chalco topped the list of holdings, up to 75.84%. Beishang Capital recently holds 417 million shares of the company, accounting for 3.18% of the circulating A shares. The second place is Yunnan Aluminum, which is also an aluminum giant. The latest holdings of Beishang Capital have increased by 38.83% compared with the end of last year.

Founder Mid-term Futures said that in the second half of 2023, as the Fed’s interest rate hike cycle comes to an end and the domestic economic recovery process, under the premise of stable infrastructure, real estate repairs and improved consumption, downstream demand for aluminum will also rebound simultaneously. The automobile industry will also continue to develop rapidly. The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China emphasized that the goal of “double carbon” will not waver, and new energy fields such as photovoltaics and UHV will maintain a relatively rapid development level, thereby driving the absolute growth of demand in the related aluminum industry.

In terms of institutional attention, Wuliangye ranks first, with as many as 49 participating institutions; Perfect World, Hualu Hengsheng, Postal Savings Bank of China, and Ping An of China follow closely, with 30 or more participating institutions.

Looking forward to 2023, Wuliangye proposed to adhere to the general policy of seeking progress while maintaining stability and improving while maintaining stability, so as to achieve effective improvement in quality and reasonable growth in quantity. Huatai Securities said that it is optimistic about the accelerated release of the company’s brand potential, and the continuation of high-quality development is expected.

According to the statistics of Databao, according to the unanimous prediction of 3 or more institutions, the net profit of 14 stocks in 2022 is expected to increase by more than 10% year-on-year, and Zhongtian Technology ranks first with a growth rate of 19.62 times.

Tianfeng Securities stated that the company has sufficient new orders for offshore wind power, and at the same time continuously enriches the production capacity layout of submarine cables + offshore engineering, and continues to enhance its competitiveness in this field; the company is deeply involved in new energy, and the orders in hand in the energy storage field continue to increase; The communication boom cycle is expected to continue, and the price rebound has considerable performance flexibility. Rapid performance growth is expected.

In addition, the net profits of Perfect World, Datang Power, and Shenhuo are expected to double, with year-on-year growth rates of 364.19%, 118.15%, and 117.91%, respectively. Datang Power Generation’s net profit in 2021 will be a loss of 9.264 billion yuan. The agency predicts that the company is expected to turn losses into profits this year.

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