Home » today » Health » Boticaria García warns of the unknown consequences left by covid-19: “1 in 10 people” – Television

Boticaria García warns of the unknown consequences left by covid-19: “1 in 10 people” – Television

The end of the sixth wave, with omicron as the protagonist, is getting closer and closer and this is indicated by the data reported by the Ministry of Health. This first week of March, the incidence has dropped, for the first time, from the barrier of 500 points and both admissions and ICU patients continue their downward trend.

The accumulated incidence is at 472 cases, 14 points less than this Wednesday and 23,140 new infections have been detected, while hospitals are freed from covid patients with an occupation in intensive units (9.7%) and in plant (4, 8%) already at low risk. The communities have reported 202 deaths to the Ministry of Health in the last day, which brings to 13,322 the deaths so far in the sixth wave, which has lasted more than four months, and to 100,239 the total recorded since the start of the pandemic.

The emergency doctor has analyzed the main sequelae left by covid, and more specifically those of the omicron variant

Digital WritingMadrid 02 mar 2022 – 07:33

More than 23,000 infections have been registered compared to 18,803 yesterday, with the incidence standing at levels similar to those registered in mid-December, when the sixth wave exceeded 400 cases and was on the rise. With this data, the cumulative incidence at 14 days is still at high risk, after lowering this week the very high alert indicator for infections (from 500 cases).

The most unknown sequels that the coronavirus leaves us

With these data on the table, it seems that we are somewhat calmer, as far as omicron is concerned. However, the pandemic has left consequences that some will have to live with. For this reason,Apothecary Garcia has gone to ‘zapping‘ to talk about the most common sequels left by covid-19, among which there are some that are unknown to us. The expert has pointed to those that “are not so physical” such as forgetting things. “The severity of the disease can leave you with serious cognitive consequences, some patients cannot return to work because they are unable to do activities that they used to do easily. There are people who can’t read or can’t concentrate.”

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