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Both withdraw

NEW YORK (Dagbladet): Both Trump’s adviser Kellyanne Conway and her husband George Conway, who have been heavily involved in the anti-Trump organization The Lincoln Project, warn that they will withdraw from the election campaign

– This is my choice, entirely. In time, I will announce my future plans, Conway writes in a statement reproduced by The Washington Post.

She says she gives herself to spending more time with the family, and says that from now on there will be “less drama and more mum”. She informed President Donald Trump of the decision Sunday night.

– Take a break

Her husband is the conservative lawyer and very outspoken critic of Trump, George Conway. He will also retire from the prominent role of the Lincoln Project. It is an independent group of Republicans who are working hard to prevent Trump from being re-elected in November. He will also take a break from Twitter, where he has often attacked Trump.

– So I withdraw from the Lincoln Project to devote more time to family things. And I want to take a break from Twitter. Needless to say, I still support the Lincoln Project and its mission. Passionate, writes George Conway Twitter.

CHANGE: For almost four years, Kellyanne Conway has defended Donald Trump in public. When she recently appeared on screen, however, it was something completely different than her opinions that sparked debate on social media. Photo / video: NTB Scanpix / FOX News / AP
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– Disagree on much

-We disagree on a lot. But we agree on what matters most: the children. Our four children are teenagers and almost teenagers who are starting a new school year in middle school and high school which will largely take place with distance learning for at least a few months. As millions of parents across the country know, children who go to school from home require a degree of attention and alertness, which is as unusual as these times, says Kellyanne Conway, according to the Washington Post, adding:

ALTERNATIVE FACTS: Kellyanne Conway, an adviser to President Donald Trump, said the White House press secretary presented “alternative facts” about the number of attendees at the inauguration ceremony. Video: MEET THE PRESS-NBC NEWS ‘/ AP
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– It is completely my choice and my voice. In time, I will announce future plans. For now, and for my dear children, there will be less drama and more mom, says Conway.

Conway has been one of Trump’s longest-serving and closest advisers. She also led Trump’s 2016 election campaign, which secured him the presidency.

The couple’s daughter, who is in high school, has also received a lot of attention for her twitter messages about her parents and politics. But on Sunday she announced that she would take a break.

See you all soon. Thank you for the love and support. No hatred for my parents, please, she wrote.

The case is being expanded.

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