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Boss Bank Jago’s openings on the potential of digital banks

GIACARTA, KOMPAS.com – President director Jago Bank (ART) Kharim Siregar assesses that digital banks have bright potential in Southeast Asia, including Indonesia.

This is supported by the total Southeast Asian population of around 400 million people. So in demographic terms, the majority of the population of this area are young who digital intelligence also known as technological literacy.

“In terms of acceptable their digital is higher. So all the progress digital bank This is the race here, others will follow, ”Kharim said on the sidelines of the Singapore Fintech Festival (SFF) 2022 in Singapore on Thursday (11/3/2022).

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Kharim said the Singapore Fintech Festival is the largest event in the world featuring innovations regarding the latest financial technologies. For information, this annual event organized by Singapore’s central bank and financial services authority, the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS), was attended by over 850 experts and economic operators, as well as 2,000 organizations from 110 countries. .

“If, for example, all the technology here can be implemented, we will be in the next 10 years, but it can’t be like that, right, there is technology, there is technology. customerThere are companies, there are regulators, “Kharim said.

Additionally, Kharim explained how technology can help Bank Jago as a digital bank reach a wider community, while increasing the number of customers significantly in a relatively short time.

“If we look at Bank Jago, it’s only been 18 months. Bank Jago question launch April 2021, we now already have five million customers, “he said.

While in the panel discussion on “Building resilient business models between volatility and change”, Kharim, as one of the speakers, said that strategic collaboration with the ecosystem is an important point to encourage the growth of digital banks and accelerate the number of people in obtaining financing for products and services in a significant way.

“The spirit of promoting financial inclusion encourages us to continue to innovate and collaborate with the digital ecosystem. As a technology-driven bank, we are developing our products and services, especially the Jago application, so that they can be incorporated into various digital ecosystems, ”said Kharim.

Currently, Bank Jago is present in several major digital ecosystems in Indonesia, including the GoTo ecosystem consisting of the Gojek, GoPay and GoBiz applications, as well as the Bibit and Stockbit digital investment ecosystems. In the future, Bank Jago will continue to develop and expand collaboration with new and existing ecosystems.

Kharim also explained the financing business so that Bank Jago can grow positively and sustainably while creating financial access for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) and the wider community.

In carrying out this brokerage function, Bank Jago provides credit through collaboration with various partners, such as multi-financial companies, financial technology companies (fintechs) and other financial institutions. In the financing sector, Bank Jago believes that collaborating with the ecosystem is an effective way for digital banks to help provide financial access to customers.

“We believe that banks and digital ecosystems have their strengths. They understand the needs and have relevant solutions for their customers. Meanwhile, Bank Jago has a strength in funding sources. Thanks to this collaboration, customers, banks and the digital ecosystem can grow together, “said Kharim.

Read also: Digital Bank Reports Quarter III 2022: ARTO, BBHI, AGRO Earn Profits, BANK and BBYB still at a loss

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