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Börzsöny Ring – Despite the pouring rain, half a thousand people started on Saturday morning – Dunakanyar Region

The 90-kilometer Börzsöny Ring cycling performance tour and the Family Ipolykör are extremely popular, for which more than 1,500 people signed up for the pre-registration, of whom, despite the heavy rain on Saturday morning, more than half a thousand started on the banks of the Danube in Szob.

Before the start of the Börzsöny Ring, considered one of the five most popular cycling races in our country, the raincoat-wearing cyclists warmed up to the musical warm-up of Anikó Bagyinszki, who were welcomed by the main patron of the event, Bence Rétvári, the KDNP member of parliament of the region, Ferencz Gyöngyi, the mayor of Szob, and László Kiss, the race President and CEO of “inclusive” and supportive Ipoly Erdő Zrt.

After the short greetings, despite the wet, rainy weather, nearly half a thousand people set off to conquer Börzsöny on two wheels, and after covering the 90 km distance, touch the settlements along the Ipoly to get back to the finish line. Despite the unfavorable weather, a surprising number of people undertook to complete the distance of the Family Ipolykör. After the start of the 90-kilometer bicycle performance tour, they hopped on their bikes to enjoy the natural wealth of the Ipoly Mente and the view of the farms with special animals next to the bike path, in addition to playing sports and spending time with family and friends.

Member of Parliament Bence Rétvári, the main patron of the event

– We started the Börzsöny Ring five years ago, which is extremely popular among cyclists, who come even when it’s raining – as it is today – and even when it’s windy. Moreover, they also invite their acquaintances, friends and colleagues. We were worried about the bad weather, and watched with interest to see how many of the more than 1,500 nominees would eventually take on the extra challenge caused by the weather. As I said in my opening speech, we look with great appreciation at the more than half a thousand participants who, despite the difficult circumstances, complete the distance of the Börzsöny Ring and the Family Ipolykör, said Bence Rétvári, the main patron of the event, to our inquiry. they made up for it by organizing the bicycle tour.

– He continued – the Börzsöny Ring is now one of the five most popular circuit races in Hungary, which, in addition to the sporting experience, also presents the participants with the beautiful natural beauty of the landscape. I would also like to thank the management of Ipoly Erdő Zrt., who ensure year after year that cyclists can enjoy the richness of the forest, nature, and wildlife in the company’s operating area.

The member of parliament said that the Hungarian state has renovated or built several road sections on the bike path between Budapest and Szob in recent years. The missing section between Budapest and Dunakeszi was built.

In addition to the section between Sződliget and Vác, the cycle path between Vác and Verőce has also been renewed to make it as comfortable and safe as possible to get to Szob. The cycle path ended here in Szob a few years ago, but two years ago we handed over the new section built between Szob and Ipolydamásd. The continuation of the cycle path between Ipolydamásd and Letkés is already well under construction, which will be handed over to cyclists this fall – informed the regional parliament representative, who added: with the handing over of the new Ipoly bridge built between Ipolydamásd and Helemba at the end of July, the road has also been opened for cyclists To explore the highlands.

The parliamentary state secretary of the Ministry of the Interior said that 1,500 kilometers of bicycle paths have been built across the country.

– With the improvements and the construction of the bike paths, we want to ensure that the Börzsöny Ring and the Family Ipolykör route offer families such a pleasant weekend sports and recreation opportunity as, for example, going around Lake Venice.

In response to our question, Bence Rétvári also explained that the cultural, sports and leisure programs organized in recent years have attracted many tourists to the Danube Bend and Börzsöny in addition to the local population.

Parallel to the boost in tourism, we helped local entrepreneurs to expand or make their accommodations more comfortable through the tenders of the Kisfaludy program. Thanks to the subsidies, the capacity of the accommodations in the Danube Bend has been significantly expanded, to which guests return year after year, according to the owners of the accommodation. Accommodations, small pensions and guest houses along the routes of the Börzsöny Ring or the Family Ipolykör that deal with active tourism are full almost every time of the year.

The parliament representative of the region spoke with a good feeling about the fact that those who want to do sports and hikes can easily reach the Danube Bend, Ipoly Mente and Börzsöny by bicycle, car, and train, who can also enjoy the advantages of the Danube Bend boat tour in the summer.

– With developments, investments, and meaningful programs, we want to ensure that as many people as possible enjoy the beautiful natural beauty and built values ​​of the region, play sports, and go on trips, which, in addition to preserving their health and well-being, also contributes to the effective operation of local businesses. The successful organization of the Börzsöny Ring and Family Ipolykör also serves this purpose, for which I would like to thank the participants, the organizers and our supporters – the main patron of the event, member of parliament Bence Rétvári, expressed his appreciation.

– The route of the Börzsöny Ring runs on sections from Királyrét to Nógrád and then from Diósjenő to Kemencé in the operational area of ​​Ipoly Erdő Zrt., where our company accompanies the field with a service van, tools and specialists to repair the damaged bicycle or the flat tire if needed – informed Barnabás Horváth , chief engineer of Ipoly Erdő Zrt., who said that the well-marked route runs through a regularly maintained section of the forest.

Barnabás Horváth, chief engineer of Ipoly Erdő Zrt

We also learned from the chief engineer that most of the road is asphalted, and the participants of the performance tour ride only on an eight-kilometer gravel section.

– Part of the race goes along the Danube, then we climb up to Börzsöny, where the biggest difference in level is 700 meters. After Diósjenő and Kemence-völgy, we come out of the forest and from there the field goes on the public road. It is a great experience to cycle in the forest, to pay attention to the silence, to nature, to yourself – said chief engineer Barnabás Horváth, who modestly noted that Ipoly Erdő Zrt. also in support of an active lifestyle.

– We are happy to present our natural values, the wonderful flora and fauna of Börzsöny, we support programs that promote an active and healthy lifestyle – stated Barnabás Horváth, chief engineer of Ipoly Erdő Zrt. lead its participants and present the captivating beauty of the landscape.

Imre Vetési

Photo: KesziPress and Csaba Szabó

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