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Börse Express – SHARE IN FOCUS 2: Aareal better than MDax


(new: current price, more background, analysts vote)

FRANKFURT (dpa-AFX Broker) – A press report about a possible
Financial investor joins Aareal Bank
has less real estate financier’s papers on Monday
burdened as the overall market. In the late morning they lost 0.77
Percent to 29.54 euros during the MDax the
medium-sized market stocks amid concerns about spreading the
Corona virus suffered and sank by more than 2 percent.

According to a report in the “Handelsblatt” button the activist
Investor Petrus Advisers after leaving Comdirect Bank
the next German with Aareal Bank
Financial institution. Peter had got in and was pushing in conversations
with management on changes, the sheet reported below
Appeal to financial circles.

According to traders, the financial investor could go together
with the hedge fund Teleios Capital Partners. Already at the end of September
last year there were rumors on the market
that Teleios Capital is putting pressure on Aareal Bank and
Management demand a sale of the IT service subsidiary
Examine Aareon. The Aareal Bank shares had a positive result
ruled, but later lost value when it became clear that
the bank wants to keep the majority in the IT subsidiary. In this respect
not new, the dealer said on Monday.

They also had higher provisions for bad real estate loans
Profit plans of the bank clouded and consequently also the
Aareal share price burdened, so that the price gains in mid-November
were quickly depleted in the low of EUR 26.14. But the course
recovered quickly. In January it went up to almost 32
Euros up. Then the papers tended to
30 euro mark sideways.

Commerzbank analyst Michael Dunst referred in a recent study
on statements by Aareal Bank management, according to which the subsidiary
Aareon gradually became a software company within the
European real estate industry and develop in their value
to become more independent.

This would, according to Dunst, create a stronger separation between Aareon and the
Aareal Bank Group mean and imply that management
could be open to a sale of Aareon in the medium term.
For now, however, further control should be sought
and therefore only a strategic investor will be accepted
who participates with up to 30 percent believes Dunst. He stayed with
his “hold” vote and lies somewhat with his price target of 28 euros
under the current course./ajx/la/fba

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