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Börse Express – New York shares: Tech stocks under pressure again


NEW YORK (dpa-AFX) – The recently stabilized US stock exchanges gave way again on Monday. In particular, the economically sensitive technology stocks came under pressure. Market participants once again referred to the interest rate, inflation and recession fears that are now part of everyday stock market life. Ahead of more important economic news this week and the beginning of the US corporate accounting season, these worries have investors a bit more in their grip.

In addition, the focus on China dampened investors’ appetite for risk. The number of new infections there reached its highest level since the end of May. Authorities say the risk is very high, which fueled further market concerns as Beijing remains committed to its zero-Covid strategy. Against this background, investors fear new supply bottlenecks if the government should impose lockdowns again to contain the virus.

The leading US index Dow Jones Industrial recently fell by 0.65 percent to 31,135.19 points. The market-wide S&P 500
fell 1.28 percent to 3849.39 points. For the tech-heavy Nasdaq 100 it went down by 2.23 percent to 11,854.91 points./la/he

 ISIN  US2605661048  US6311011026  US78378X1072

AXC0208 2022-07-11/16:36

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