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Börse Express – New York shares Conclusion: seesaw stock market in the USA continued with losses


NEW YORK (dpa-AFX) – The swing stock market in the USA continued with losses on Wednesday. After ups and downs the day before – with surprisingly clear gains at the close of trading – the most important indices fell again. Yields on benchmark 10-year US Treasuries rose above 3 percent again.

Investors continue to weigh up the risks to economic growth arising from central banks’ efforts to curb high inflation. Accordingly, the mood fluctuates between optimism and pessimism, so that a clear trend on the stock markets is still not discernible. It is grist to the mills of the pessimists that the industrialized nations organization OECD has corrected its growth forecast for the global economy significantly downwards because of the war in Ukraine.

The leading index Dow Jones Industrial ended trading down 0.81 percent to 32,910.90 points. For the market-wide S&P 500 it went down by 1.08 percent to 4115.77 points in the middle of the week. The tech-heavy Nasdaq 100 lost 0.76 percent to 12,615.13 points after temporary gains.

The focus this Thursday will be on the European Central Bank (ECB), which is expected to herald the turnaround in interest rates in the euro area in July and at the same time decide to end its asset purchases. The next interest rate decision by the US Federal Reserve (Fed) will follow next week. In the fight against inflation, it has already raised interest rates significantly and recently tightened its monetary policy. Fresh inflation data from the US will be released on Friday./ck/he

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AXC0311 2022-06-08 / 22: 23

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