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Börse Express – New York Equities Outlook: After a clear setback, friendly expected


After significant losses in the previous week, the US stock exchanges should pick up again on Monday. The signs point to recovery. The broker IG assessed the Dow Jones Industrial around an hour before the start of trading, 0.75 percent higher at 30 208 points and the Nasdaq selection index 100
with a plus of 1.1 percent at 13 062 points. On Friday, the mood had clouded over and all major indices had lost around two percent. On a weekly basis, the Dow and Nasdaq even went down a little more than 3 percent each.

According to the Landesbank Baden-Württemberg (LBBW), the struggle between small speculators organized on the Internet and the professional hedge funds, which are set to fall, had recently weighed on buyer confidence on Wall Street. Now the stock exchange regulator is responsible.

First judicial authorities at least got into the dispute over the speculation with the shares of the video game dealer Gamestop
and other companies on the US stock exchange meanwhile switched on. The broker Robinhood, which had already responded with usage restrictions, is also further restricting trading in Gamestop shares and by a further seven companies, including AMC Entertainment , on.

Before the trading day, the Gamestop papers fluctuated violently, but mostly with losses. In the end they were then unchanged. However, the share shot up by 68 percent on Friday alone and – since the previous Friday – at its peak by around 640 percent. The papers of the cinema chain AMC, which had also become a pawn, which shot up by 54 percent on Friday, rose by a further 24 percent before the market.

Curevac gained 10 percent in pre-market trading. Together with the pharmaceutical company Bayer the production of the Covid-19 vaccine is to be expanded. A cooperation that had already been concluded at the beginning of January was expanded.

With quarterly figures the papers of Warner Music , Electronic Arts und NXP
Semiconductors come into focus. In addition, the much-noticed ISM sentiment data from the US industry will be published shortly after the start of trading. In addition, there are still data on construction investments pending./ck/jha/

 ISIN  US2605661048  US6311011026  US78378X1072

AXC0230 2021-02-01 / 14:52

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