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Börse Express – Foreign Exchange: Euro exchange rate hardly changed at 1.18 US dollars


The Euro Moved little on Monday. In the morning, the common currency was trading at 1.1794 US dollars, roughly the same rate as on Friday evening. The European Central Bank (ECB) last set the reference rate on Friday afternoon at $ 1.1769.

The euro has therefore not continued the significant losses on Friday for the time being. At the end of last week, the common currency came under pressure after disappointing economic data and the rate had fallen by about one cent. In August, the mood among purchasing managers in the eurozone had surprisingly clouded over. This means that the economic recovery that has been ongoing since May is likely to stall.

In the further course of the day, market observers expect trading to be rather low-momentum. There are no important economic data on the program for investors to use. / Jkr / stk

 ISIN  EU0009652759

AXC0041 2020-08-24/07:15

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