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Börse Express – FOCUS ON SHARES 2: A cautious outlook scares Zalando’s shareholders


(new: share price, experts and more details)

FRANKFURT (dpa-AFX broker) – The significant recovery of the
Zalando shares from the interim low at the end of 2018 is further
stalled. After the shares of the online fashion retailer in
this week in the wake of the Corona crisis
the overall market had fallen, on Thursday
less inspiring business figures and, above all, a disappointing one
Outlook for a course slide.

Zalando’s papers recently dropped by 7 percent to EUR 41.73
and were the bottom of the weak MDax
medium-sized values , In the meantime they were
Share certificates by more than 9 percent and thus at the lowest
Stand since the beginning of December.

The bottom line was that Zalando earned almost twice as much in 2019
last year. This became particularly clear in the final quarter
Growth recorded. Nevertheless, the experts’ euphoria persisted
within limits. The 2019 numbers were “okay”, judged
Market participants. The interim report was not “fireworks”, wrote
specialist Andrew Ross from the British investment bank Barclays.

In the new year, Zalando expects further increases in sales and
operating result. But are not included in the forecast
possible negative effects from the corona virus, whereby the
Company currently sees but not affected. The outlook is
unhelpful, it said on the market. The goals of the online retailer
would have disappointed something, analyst Olivia Townsend of the
Large Swiss bank UBS.

At the moment, reports worldwide are rolling over
Corona virus: More and more countries are reporting infections, for example
Brazil, the Philippines and Algeria. More and more companies
occur in their forecasts for future business
Brake. Meanwhile, Italy is concerned about the increasing number of
Infections slipping into recession.

Zalando’s shares were around EUR 50 in July 2018
Reached a record high before reaching December in the same year
In the wake of the general weakness on the stock markets at that time
Intermediate low had fallen to just under 21 euros. From then on, it went in
several batches up to a good 49 euros a week ago.

After the recent price slide, the share certificates are now
slipped below the 21- and 50-day averages that covered the
describe short or medium-term trends. At this
On Thursday, stocks even dropped below the 200-day line
as an indicator of long-term development ./la/nas/jha/

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