NEW YORK (dpa-AFX) – In view of a strong labor market recovery in the United States, the US stock exchanges reached new highs on Friday. In addition, industry received slightly more orders than expected in May compared with April. That helped the market-wide S&P 500
“The US labor market is recovering vigorously, although the consensus estimate for the unemployment rate was missed. The employment rate has meanwhile stagnated,” said Helaba analyst Ralf Umlauf, summarizing the development in June. According to him, there is not yet any acute pressure to act on the US Federal Reserve to deviate from its ultra-expansionary monetary policy, as many millions of jobs are still missing. He also referred to the reduced number of hours worked on average, while hourly wages had increased.
The Dow ultimately went out of trading with a plus of 0.44 percent to 34,786.35 points and has thus gained one percent in the past week. The S&P 500 advanced by 0.75 percent to 4,352.34 points on Friday and further expanded its extraordinary, slightly more than 14 percent half-year profit. Over the course of the week, the S&P posted a plus of 1.7 percent. The Nasdaq 100 Technology Selection Index
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AXC0268 2021-07-02/22:22
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