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Borisov threatened the theaters – 2024-09-15 00:55:15

Not every village can have an opera house, the Prime Minister believes

Prime Minister Boyko Borisov also tackled the reform of theaters. And cultural institutions must impose changes not only because of the crisis, but also because times are different, he said yesterday.

The Prime Minister met on Sunday with representatives of the theater guild. They threatened to protest because their money was being cut. I will ask them to read the statistics – how many operas and theaters there are, say, in Austria or France and how many there are in Bulgaria, commented the Prime Minister. He emphasized that the policy at the time was to have a community center, theater, and opera house in every village. However, now the situation was different and we had to take into account the new realities.

“When Kamen Donev goes to the NDK, he fills the halls by himself, the tickets disappear in two hours and no one complains about money,” Borisov also said. According to him, it is not right “to fine the whole nation” so that the small groups that cannot support themselves exist, writes in “Standart”.

There will be no closed theaters, the chairman of the Union of Bulgarian Artists Hristo Mutafchiev said after the meeting with the Prime Minister. The theatergoers agreed that the system cannot function in the same way as it did 20 years ago. According to Mutafchiev, the cultural institutions financed by the ministry will most likely switch to delegated budgets, but they will also have to rely on their own income. Discussions on the new scheme will continue after Wednesday. Then Finance Minister Simeon Dyankov and Culture Minister Vezhdi Rashidov return from abroad.

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