Home » today » News » Borisov Shares GERB’s Election Clip and Poses a Question to PP: What Reasons Do You Have to Seek Our Support? – News Bg – Elections

Borisov Shares GERB’s Election Clip and Poses a Question to PP: What Reasons Do You Have to Seek Our Support? – News Bg – Elections

The pre-election tour of GERB leader Boyko Borisov continues. Today he spoke to a large number of party supporters in Vidin.

He was greeted on his feet and with thunderous applause.

“When I became prime minister, there were only four columns here on the bridge. I made a trail to Brussels, Commissioner Hahn said if you could get me across the river I would cash your invoice. Great traffic goes through here now, we made it. This will pay off. But you slept for two years, I can’t help but be angry with you. Rositsa Kirilova held fairs every day. You did not make one protest. They were charlatans, they took your money, and the opposite is silence. Now you are putting huge expectations on me. But the money from the account that we left you for the whole trip, for “Hemus”, for Vratsa-Montana-Vidin. That money is gone. But now the deficit is 11%, and we had a surplus. We managed the state like real farmers,” the GERB leader pointed out.

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“The fact that We are continuing the change blatantly lied when they left by plane to Skopje – one flight, the media covered up Kiril Petkov. Everything went to the company of a minister who went to Spain. Wasn’t he going to build an airport in Ruse? Where are the five bridges, and the regular course of the hang glider? I’m sad too. They poured out lies. 50 billion would invest,” Borisov recalled.

“I left Brussels angry when we were making the European budget, because Slovenia and Hungary were given money for poor areas, but I provided the money – 200 million euros for the road to Vidin. The hole in the budget is already 15 billion. In October, a new loan of 10 billion must be taken out to pay the pensions,” the former prime minister pointed out.

“I convinced colleagues that it is very dangerous to return Muslim refugees to ethnic areas. When they are flown back to us, where are we going to keep them? Thanks to Ursula, to Macron, to Charles Michel, we managed to repatriate these refugees to Turkey. The media didn’t pay attention. Now every day morgues are full of corpses of migrants and policemen are dying. Now the media say that you are better off, and they took you one lev from each liter of oil and gasoline,” the GERB leader announced.

“I don’t know on what basis these people flaunt GERB to support them because they are prettier? In two years, they collapsed so much that seven parties have less than a percentage of us. If you can do it yourself – why not continue? Slavi quarreled with Asen and Kiro about money, who should pay the companies. With the money we left, they should have built the road. They fought over half a billion. They didn’t want Radev to pay through Shishkov,” revealed Boyko Borisov.

“Do you know that today they have a brunch in Blagoevgrad with pacha and sauerkraut? We were ripped apart by lies. I don’t promise, because then they protest me and want it. Now they offer us to work together, whatever, but it doesn’t work like that,” he said.

“With the lowest taxes in the EU, we will continue to pay the pensions. This is our ideology, we have followed it for 12 years. “If it’s not you, no one can make me do this work,” admitted Borisov.

“If we become the first – there is no turning back. From the debate yesterday satan clearly how everyone was against Laurer, ie. this party is in isolation. GERB can form a government in three variants. The Left, BSP, Vazrazhdane and ITN are a large left bloc together with Rumen Radev. After April 2, that is why it is important for us that you send us to the negotiations with the first result,” explained the GERB leader.

“For 2 years we have been paying for lawlessness and lies. On April 2nd with the paper ballot, because that’s the only one I trust. I will pay attention to the lies of Boyko Rashkov. He lied about solving the migration problem. Days later, two policemen died in Burgas. Several policemen died because of political indolence. The biggest problem is not that all refugee centers are overcrowded, but that all Western European countries are overcrowded with refugees who passed through Bulgaria. And they will be returned to us – hundreds of thousands. There is no one to protect the Bulgarian interest”. This was stated by the former interior minister and candidate for deputy from GERB-SDS Mladen Marinov.

“The only factor that dealt with migration was Boyko Borisov. Migration is a foreign policy issue. Our guarantor for dealing with crime and migration is Mr. Borisov,” he emphasized.

“On the 2nd, we have to take the country back because it is on autopilot and flying towards the abyss. For this we need to convince more people to vote. The power is not in the parties, but in the people who support the parties. Let’s go to the polls on the 2nd and win so that there will be a government,” urged Marinov.

GERB also published their official election clip. It was uploaded to Boyko Borisov’s Facebook profile and is titled – Let’s stop the fake “Change”. The clip lasts 15 seconds and Borisov speaks in it. Traditionally, GERB releases its election clip on the Sunday before the last week of the election campaign.

You can see the clip below.

video-iframe" width="560" height="423" layout="responsive" src="https://www.facebook.com/plugins/video.php?height=308&href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fboyko.borissov.7%2Fvideos%2F2022354848105726%2F&show_text=true&width=560&t=0"/>

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