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Borisov just looked very generous. We are still back in the EU

This was said to the Bulgarian National Television by the President of CITUB Plamen Dimitrov.

“It seems that the measures are effective and very generous. However, if we look at the amount that is paid, in relation to our GDP per capita, it turns out that we are still somewhere behind. Only Romania is behind us. That is, our measures are not generous at all, “he added.

According to him, business support must continue. “All tourism at the moment, although recovering compared to 2020, is not more than 40-50% of 2019 as employment applications, etc. Public transport suffered a lot last year and this year. There are sectors 4-5 that continue to feel an urgent need for support and for them this measure 60/40, modified in another option, as we offer with the business, ie 75% to be supported by my gross salary when not I work “, Dimitrov specified.

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