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Borisov is ruthless! He said when we go to the polls

They must ruin everything so that the last one who believed in betrayal, in substitution, can understand what they did. This was stated in Veliko Tarnovo by the leader of GERB Boyko Borissov.

“Until the last person in Bulgaria understands it, it is too early for elections,” the former prime minister said angrily.

“A year ago the bread was BGN 1, now it is BGN 2.50. Borisov’s fuel was BGN 1.5, now it is BGN 3.5. Gas – many times more, electricity – many times more, vegetables – many times more.

Congratulations on your change! Realizing what happened … It’s late tomorrow.

With these loans … In just months – 1.8 billion. Total 9 – then no chance. Tomorrow is too late, I can tell the people that, “Borissov was quoted as saying by Blitz.

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