Home » today » World » Borisov and Slavi Trifonov under one banner! – 2024-09-09 13:52:50

Borisov and Slavi Trifonov under one banner! – 2024-09-09 13:52:50

/ world today news/ It looks incredible – Borisov and Slavi Trifonov united in one cause! But it’s a fact!

Everyone can think what they want about Slavi Trifonov. But what is certain is that he has been one of the few relentless and consistent critics of Boykoborisovism for years. To top it off, Slavi’s referendum definitely played a significant role in GERB’s crushing loss in the presidential election.

For his part, Borisov naturally dislikes Slavi Trifonov.

And suddenly we see the two united in one cause and under one banner – “Pure and holy majority system in two rounds!”. Borisov even states that he is ready to sponsor the formation of a government in the name of this cause – although he was always against it, he knew that it was harmful… but we had to comply with the will of the people, expressed precisely in the referendum of his opponent Slavi Trifonov. Referendum in fact against the status quo, part of which is Borisov himself.

Miracles! Some interpret it as revenge against the reformers and patriots, others as Borisov’s characteristic “consistency”, others as a convulsion of the ruler who has lost his image, trying to present himself again as an exponent of the will of the people.

Of course, there is something of all of these. But at the base is a purely rational motive – the future power, the power after the elections!

Borisov finally realized what the elections told him. His halo is gone! Gone is the early “punisher Borisov”, who would take the cars, money and women of the “bad guys” and fly over their possessions. There is also no “Borisov the builder”, who will cover the country with highways and sports halls. Nor is there “Borisov – the man of the people – you forgive and I forgive!”. Only the ruler is left, who draws billions on our backs, which, strangely, always go into the hands of the “right” people, and behind whom the unchanging #Who is invariably peeping.

And Borisov realized that he could not rely on universal love, but only on… his “fed people”. And they are not few at all. There are no less than 300,000 people appointed, regulated and “supported” by GERB, state and municipal employees and officials together with their families. The workers and employees of the companies systematically winning public contracts (and who can be pressured) are about 150–200 thousand. NGOs, media and organizations financed from the advertising budgets of the operational programs or directly from the budget are separate.

As you can see, a huge mass of around 600-700 thousand voters. Yes, they are grossly insufficient to win proportional elections, because they will be opposed by some 3 million other disgruntled voters. But they are quite enough for a decisive victory in a 100% majority election in two rounds.

The reason is extremely simple. We have some consolidated and highly motivated (for the sake of keeping our jobs and bread) 20% voters of GERB. Against them will stand the candidates of 5-6 parties (BSP, patriots, reformers, DPS, ABV, Mareshki, etc.), as well as an unknown number of initiative committees, some of which were inspired by Tsvetan Tsvetanov. The votes naturally split and the GERB candidate appears in the second round. And so that it does not become like the presidential elections – everyone is against GERB – Boyko Borisov proposes the so-called “French system”. There, not two, but three, four and even more candidates appeared in the second round – all of them passed 12.5%. In short, once again we have vote dispersion and the one with the most consolidated voters wins and… the party with the most money!

Because in addition to the money for posters, advertising, concerts and kebabs, there will be mass buying of votes. And in a single-member district there are about 23-24 thousand real voters. Of them, no more than 12-13 thousand people will stand in front of the ballot boxes. In the case of GERB, buying 3-4 thousand votes in a district is enough to guarantee victory in a “pure and holy majoritarian election” in two rounds “in French”.

Or to put it simply, for the modest amount of about 30 million BGN, about a hundred deputies in the country can be purchased. (According to Mediana, between 15 and 20% of voters are willing to sell their vote, depending on the amount.)

So – which is the party with the most “fed” people and the most money? You can answer it yourself!

Boyko Borisov has done his calculations wonderfully. The proportional system is likely to be crushing for GERB in this election. The “pure and holy majoritarian system with a French flavor” gives him a serious chance to return to power on a white horse, with a convincing majority at that. It now remains to be seen whether reformers and patriots are inclined to serve him properly. But whether it happens or not, Borisov does not lose. If a government within this parliament cannot be formed, HE will appear as the true exponent of the will of the people against the bad “parties” (with the hope that he will get something from those 2.5 million voters who voted for a majoritarian system) . If RB forms a government even with a horizon of 2-3 months, it will pave the way for a triumphant return to power and the ironic opportunity to laugh at the referendum.

This is how, paradoxically, Borisov and Slavi Trifonov found themselves united in one cause! Although with different motives.

Slavi Trifonov is convinced that the 100% majority system will shake up the political status quo, will change the system.

Boyko Borisov with the clear calculation that the same majoritarian system (with a French flavor) is his only chance to retain power – to preserve the status quo.

The question “Who is lying in these calculations?” remains open.

I’m sad to say it, but in my opinion, Borisov is much closer to the truth – or at least to the “truth” that will allow him to beat us!


P.P. It is my deep conviction that a reasonable compromise is a mixed electoral system with 120 proportionally and 120 majoritarian elected deputies (the so-called “German system”), which will reduce the negatives of both systems and stir up the party elites themselves. And I must say that Borisov is also right about the fact that the parties do not have time to “squeal” in order to decide on the issues of the referendum. Regardless of the fact that this is not the “will of the people”, but only of a significant part of it.

#Borisov #Slavi #Trifonov #banner

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