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Boris Jonhson evokes thousands of passports for Hong Kong citizens

Prime Minister Boris Johnson said on Tuesday that it would offer millions of residents Hong Kong passports and possible access to British citizenship if China continues to impose its national security law on the territory.

“Many people in Hong Kong fear that their way of life – which China is committed to maintaining – will be threatened” by this law, wrote Johnson in an article for the London Times and the South China Morning Post.

“If China goes ahead and justifies these fears, Britain cannot consciously shrug its shoulders and move on; on the contrary, we will honor our obligations and provide an alternative ”, assured Mr. Johnson.

“British overseas passport”

Some 350,000 people in Hong Kong currently hold the “British overseas passport”, which provides visa-free access to Britain for up to six months, said Johnson.

An additional 2.5 million people would be eligible to apply for this document, which was issued to residents of the former British colony when it was returned to China in 1997.

Adopted by the Chinese People’s National Assembly (PNA) but not finalized, the national security law provides for punishing separatist activities, “Terrorists”, subversion, or even foreign interference in the Chinese autonomous territory.

Decided by Beijing after a wave of freedom protests in Hong Kong, the law has sparked international outcry and renewed unrest in this autonomous territory in southern China.

“One country, two systems”

Opponents of Beijing’s influence in the territory say the measure paves the way for an unprecedented regression of freedoms in the financial metropolis of 7 million people.

However, Beijing undertook during the retrocession to guarantee Hong Kong broad autonomy and freedoms according to the principle “One country, two systems”.

“If China imposes its national security law, the British government will amend its immigration laws and allow any holder of these passports residing in Hong Kong to come to the United Kingdom for a renewable period of 12 months and obtain other rights, including the right to work, which would put them on the path to citizenship ”wrote Boris Johnson.

Hong Kong Security Law Enforcement “Restrict his freedoms and substantially reduce his autonomy”, said the British Prime Minister.

“Britain would have no choice but to maintain its deep ties of history and friendship with the people of Hong Kong”, he said.

London pressure on Beijing

London had previously discussed plans to grant additional rights to Hong Kong holders of a “British overseas passport”, joining international protests against the security law.

British Foreign Minister Dominic Raab urged Beijing to back down on Tuesday.

“There is still time for China to reflect, to move away from the precipice and to respect Hong Kong’s autonomy and its own obligations as well as its international obligations”said Raab to Parliament.

But Mr. Johnson’s personal intervention significantly increased London’s pressure on Beijing.

He also called on China not to apply the law. “I hope we don’t get there”, he wrote. “Britain is not trying to hinder the rise of China in the concert of nations, he assured.

“Britain only wants Hong Kong to prosper in the context of + one country, two systems +”, he said. “I hope China wants the same thing. Let’s work together to make it happen. “.

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