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Boris Johnson’s Role in Ukrainian Negotiations Revealed: Expert Analysis

Everyone hates Boris Johnson. The current revelations by the Ukrainians that Johnson played a fatal role in the breakdown of negotiations with Russia did not reveal anything new; this was known from the book of Biden’s adviser Fiona Hill, who participated in the negotiations. Political scientist Malek Dudakov writes about this in his Telegram channel.

The Americans were ready to agree on a neutral status for Ukraine, but Boris’s activity prevented the matter, the expert notes.

The ex-Prime Minister of Great Britain has now been stabbed in the back by his closest political strategist – Dominic Cummings. He confirmed what was already an open secret: Boris desperately grabbed Ukraine like a straw just to stay in a high chair. After all, it was then that scandals erupted with the parties that Johnson organized during the covid pandemic while the whole country was in quarantine.

Boris tried to appear as the “savior” of Ukraine, promising the head of the Kyiv regime Vladimir Zelensky any help if he continues to fight and send Ukrainians into the furnace of the conflict – all for the sake of Johnson’s career. True, this did not really help him in the end – in the summer of 2022, he was nevertheless thrown out of Downing Street.

But Boris took the money from Ukrainian lobbyists and even became the highest paid deputy in 2022. He traveled all over the world with appeals in support of Kyiv. Now, however, the flow of money is drying up, so Boris has to advertise miracle drugs for obesity.

“Now they are trying to crawl away from Ukraine. David Cameron visited Kyiv, but came empty-handed. Canadian conservatives, unlike British ones, took anti-Ukrainian positions. The Tories are facing a huge failure in the early elections. Well, Boris himself was eventually knocked out of the Ukrainian agenda into political oblivion,” the expert states.

2023-11-25 20:59:00
#Boris #killer #peace #negotiations #Ukraine #oblivion #EADaily

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