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Boris Johnson resigns – Politics – tsn.ua

An official statement should appear today.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson is retiring as leader of the Conservative Party. As head of government, he stay until autumn 2022.

This was reported on July 7 Daily Mail and BBC.

According to the media, the politician will make a statement today.

Boris Johnson has previously stated that not going to resign Prime Minister despite government crisis. As Johnson explained his decision, his resignation trigger early electionson which the Conservative Party may lose.

“The job of the Prime Minister is to lead the country through difficult times,” – said the head of the British government and added that he plans to appoint new people to all vacant positions.

Johnson also noted that “a summer that could have been focused on economic growth will be spent in a struggle for leadership”if he leaves office.

In the British government, amid the scandal with Chris Pincher, the “chief whip of the Conservative Party”, responsible for the presence in Parliament and voting of Conservative MPs, arose government crisis. Ministers resign en masse and called for resignation Johnson. At least 30 officials have written resignations.

It’s already not the first time the British government has demanded Johnson’s resignation. In April 2022, 28 Conservative MPs publicly called for Boris Johnson to step down. Then the British Prime Minister managed to stay. During the vote, the head of government received a vote of confidence among the elected members of the Conservative Party by 211 votes to 148.

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