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Boris Johnson in Kyiv: – Received a symbolic gift during the visit

When British Prime Minister Boris Johnson was in Kyiv on Saturday to meet with the Ukrainian president, both he and Volodymyr Zelensky received a gift each.

As the two strolled through the streets of the Ukrainian capital, a woman approached and gave away two ceramic taps.

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These taps have become a symbol of Ukrainian resistance during the war, after a ceramic rooster was left on top of a kitchen cabinet, after surviving a bombing raid in Borodjanka, in the Kyiv Oblast.

The attack took place on April 6.

The woman who handed out the roosters said she was from Kharkiv.

The ceramic tap is a traditional antique in Ukraine, and was designed by the artist Prokop Bidasiuk, who was born in the late 19th century, according to The Guardian.

SURVIVED: The ceramic faucet on top of a kitchen cabinet survived a Russian attack in Borodjanka.  The high-rise building that stood in the collapse partially, but the rooster remained, and has now become a symbol of Ukrainian resistance.  Photo: Valeria Ferraro / Zuma Press / NTB

SURVIVED: The ceramic faucet on top of a kitchen cabinet survived a Russian attack in Borodjanka. The high-rise building that stood in the collapse partially, but the rooster remained, and has now become a symbol of Ukrainian resistance. Photo: Valeria Ferraro / Zuma Press / NTB
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When the picture of one of his ceramic taps surviving the bombing appeared, it was quickly picked up and shared on social media.

Borodjanka has been hit hard by Russian shelling and on Thursday Zelensky posted a video on Telegram, in which he claimed that the situation in the city is worse than in Butsja.

Come unannounced

Johnson’s visit to Kyiv is strong political support for Ukraine. The topic of the talks must have been long-term support for the country, as well as further financial and military assistance.

According to former Chief of Defense in Norway, Sverre Diesen, puts the Prime Minister in a certain personal danger to emphasize the support for Ukraine and Zelensky.

STAPPING: NATO is ready to deploy a full-scale force to defend the borders in the east, says NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg. FNI director Iver Neumann believes the current situation is more dangerous than the Cold War. Video: Dagbladet TV.
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Tom Røseth, head teacher of intelligence at the Staff School, also believes that the British Prime Minister is exposed to a certain danger, but that the danger is less now that the capital no longer has Russian artillery aimed at him.

However, he emphasizes that an important security measure is not to announce the trips in advance, which Johnson did not do either.

– It is to ensure transport in and out and a safe meeting place.

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