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Boris Johnson in his message to the inhabitants of the Malvinas Islands questioned the Argentine Government

Through a video published on the YouTube account of Downing Street, the residence and office of the president of the United Kingdom, the conservative leader stressed that for the islanders 2020 will remain in history for a positive aspect, beyond the greater part of the world “would rather forget” this year: “When the boy Luke Thomas pressed the button for the detonation of Argentina’s last mine last month, he marked for the first time in 38 years that the Islands have been completely rid of unexploded explosives.”

Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s Christmas message to the Falkland Islands (2020)

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In this sense, Johnson pointed out that “entire generations” grew up seeing the warnings of the territories that had antipersonnel mines installed by the Argentine troops during the Malvinas War, in 1982.

“It is therefore great that children like Luke will not have to learn about the dangers of walking within these perimeters, and islanders of all ages can once again enjoy the beautiful landscapes that their home offers,” said the European president, who was “proud” of the achievement financed by the Foreign Office.

In this sense, Boris Johnson rejected the criticisms made by the Argentine Government for the fact that the demining tasks were not carried out jointly: “Our commitment to the well-being of the Islands and its people may have caused an uproar in some places.”

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