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Boris Johnson has finished as Prime Minister – VG

WELL KNOWN WELDING: Boris Johnson’s chaotic hair welding will no longer be observable outside 10 Downing Street for a period. On Thursday, it became clear that he was resigning from the post of British Prime Minister.

Boris Johnson has announced his resignation as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. He is known not only for Brexit, but for his many scandals and funny incidents.


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Johnson has been a controversial figure all his life in public. From juicy statements to political maneuvers: Rarely has he managed to stay away from getting attention around his own person.

Here are some of the scandals that helped bring him down:

Sex scandals

Shortly before he became Prime Minister, details of a piquant quarrel with his current wife, Carrie Johnson, were rewritten in the tabloids of Britain. The case attracted a great deal of attention.

The police had to move out to a house riot after neighbors heard her shout to Johnson that he had to get out of her and get out of the house. She is also said to have shouted that Johnson was spoiled and did not care about anything.

FIGHTED IN THE LAST END: Johnson finally got through the Brexit he promised when he took office as Prime Minister.

During Johnson’s presidency, there were several scandals: Accusations of having put the queen’s name in disgrace as a result of a Brexit maneuver, accusations of corruption to have asked for donations for apartment renovationand he allegedly threw party colleague Owen Paterson, who was accused of violating lobbying regulations, under the bus after first having tried to reverse the regulations to save him.

In addition, at least two Conservative MPs have been accused of varying degrees of inappropriate behavior while Johnson was party leader. The most serious is the former chief whip Imran Ahmad Khan, who in April was found guilty of sexually abusing a 15-year-old boy, according to BBC.

Another Conservative politician, Neil Parish, withdrew in April after being caught watching pornography in the British National Assembly.


For several months since the end of 2021, Johnson and his staff have been accused of a series of parties while there were intrusive corona rules in the country. In April, a report came out as a result of the investigation led by Sue Gray.

Gray described a culture that allowed a number of parties to break the rules. Even on the night before Prince Philips’ funeral it was a party, at a time when even Queen Elizabeth had to say goodbye to her deceased husband alone.

First, the Prime Minister’s office denied that there had been any gatherings. Johnson then denied that he knew they had taken place. When it was raised beyond doubt that Johnson himself was present, he claimed that he was there because he thought it was job events, writes CNN.

Johnson ble imposed a fine for violating its own rules, but survived a no-confidence motion with a cry of distress.

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Chris Pincher

In the wake of the party scandal, Johnson Labor leader Keir Starmer accused him of being responsible for the infamous TV profile and abuser Jimmy Savile not being prosecuted. Starmer was then Attorney General Om Savile report was released in 2013.

Starmer was threatened with death after the charges and was attacked of right-wing extremist protesters outside parliament.

The statement, which Johnson later withdrew, aroused great anger both in the opposition and in his own party, and several of Johnson’s employees resigned.

The scandal that seems to have caused the cup to overflow for Johnson’s closest, happened a week ago.

Senior MP Chris Pincher has been accused of stabbing two drunken men. He was quickly suspended from the party, but later it became known that Johnson was aware of similar accusations against Pincher already in 2019. Pincher was still allowed to continue in the party, and he was given a central post.

As a result of Johnson’s handling of the Pincher scandal, Finance Minister Rishi Sunak and Health Minister Sajid Javid resigned on July 5. It triggered a landslide redundancies from politicians in and around the British government. A total of 59 people resigned from their positions, before Johnson himself announced his resignation on Thursday.

HAS TACKLED A LOT: Boris Johnson has met with opposition many times, but has each time found a way to turn away.

Scandals back in time

But even before he became a politician, the scandals began to haunt Johnson.

As a journalist, he was caught inventing a quote. The 23-year-old Johnson initially refused, but later admitted that he had “refined” the quote attributed to his godfather, the historian Colin Lucas.

He was fired by The Times in 1988 as a result of the case.

As Spectator editor in 2004, Johnson accused Liverpool fans of being to blame for the Hillsborough tragedy. 97 people lost their lives when a grandstand collapsed in 1989. Johnson later had to apologize for the article.

Over the years, he has made a number of controversial statements that to varying degrees have been perceived as insensitive to women, minorities and gays.

He has called gays “bumboys” (loosely translated to “ass boys” in Norwegian), compared Muslim women in the burqa with mailboxes with letter boxesand referred to Africans with the condescending term «piccaninnies» and said that they have «watermelon smile», according to Insider.

ACROSS THE LINE: The tug-of-war over Boris Johnson’s political career has reached its tentative end. What happens next is not yet known, but it is probably not the last thing the public has seen of Johnson.

Rapporteur scandals

As mayor, he was involved in several economic scandals, including plans for a “floating paradise” on the River Thames that would cost taxpayers £ 43 million, according to Daily Mirror.

He also spent around 300,000 British pounds, equivalent to around three million Norwegian kroner, on water cannons after riots in London in 2014. The purchase was not only expensive and lavish, but it also turned out to be illegal.

They were sold for a fraction of the price in 2018 after lying and rusting in a warehouse for several years.

Here, Boris Johnson announced his resignation as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom:

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