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Boric says he has “no doubt” that Maduro’s government “tried to commit fraud”

havana/“I have no doubt that the Maduro (Nicolás) regime has tried to commit fraud,” said the president of Chile, Gabriel Boric, this Wednesday at a press conference he dedicated to the situation in Venezuela. According to the president, the evidence that the election results were manipulated is the result of Chavismo’s refusal to hand over the election records.

Boric said that Chile “does not recognize the influence of Maduro’s self-proclamation” and clarified that his Government “does not trust the independence or impartiality of the current institutions in Venezuela, and that is why we recommended as a country that we verify the results. which has been verified by international organizations independent of the regime.”

“We, as an international community, cannot make the same mistake that was made at the time by (Juan) Guaidó, and most countries understand this,” said the president of the Chile, who explained that his hope is in the “negotiating capacity. and dialogue” of the governments that are still talking to Caracas to agree on a peaceful exit from Chavismo.

“We, as an international community, cannot make the same mistake that was made at the time by Guaidó”

Regarding the Maduro Government, “they are committing serious violations of human rights, suppressing people who show up and initiating criminal prosecutions that are shameful and would not be appropriate in our country or in any democratic country another existence against the leaders of the opposition,” denied Boric, who said that “there are principles that must be defended in all events, regardless of the differences.”

According to the president, the international community should be concerned about the “hundreds of thousands of Venezuelans who are currently scattered throughout Latin America.” “When I see the faces of hardworking people, working people, who are desperate because they had to leave the country in extremely precarious conditions, I can’t help but understand and criticize what the regime has done been doing for some time now. ”, he concluded.

There is concern that a new wave of Venezuelan migrants will reach all parts of the continent, worrying several countries, especially Colombia and the United States. In the first case, the Colombian president Gustavo Petro has announced several times that the stamp of Venezuelans that could happen if Chavismo wants to keep himself out is a priority for Bogotá.

“They are committing serious violations of human rights, suppressing people who show up and initiating criminal prosecutions that are disgraceful”

For her part, the head of the Southern Command of the United States, General Laura Richardson, said in an interview with EFE that the solution to the crisis in Venezuela after the elections must be democratic, not military. “Some of our congressional leaders have said that we don’t have to go to a military solution at all. This is very simple: we must publish the results of the vote democratically and reflect the will of the people,” said the head of the army group from Panama, where she held meetings this week with several authorities, taking Enter the Panamanian president, José Raúl Mullen.

As commander of the Southern Command from 2021, General Richardson is responsible, leading more than 1,200 military and civilian personnel, to provide contingency plans, operations and security cooperation in a region that ‘ covering 31 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean, including Venezuela.

Since the results were announced by the Venezuelan National Electoral Committee, the country has seen a number of protests and an increase in violence and police repression, something that could increase the number of Venezuelans who are forced to leave the country now. a whopping eight million people, recalls Ricardson, which represents “a real humanitarian crisis.”

Not only are these people who would prefer to stay in their country if there were better living conditions, but by migrating illegally, they become victims of armed groups and traffickers people in the area, the Americans said.

“We must publish the results of the vote democratically and reflect the will of the people”

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Spain, José Manuel Albares, and the Secretary of Foreign Affairs of Mexico, Alicia Bárcena, agreed this Wednesday on the need to know the electoral records of the Venezuelan elections and to avoid violence.

According to what the Spanish minister published in X, the two of them spoke this Wednesday about the “necessary confirmation of the minutes to respect the will of the Venezuelans.” Albares also noted that he is working “with the countries of the region” to “guarantee human rights and avoid any violence” in Venezuela.

This is the third call of Albares to his Ibero-American counterparts to try to coordinate a situation in response to the doubts raised by the official results of the elections and the protests, violence and arrests that have been published in response to alleged electoral fraud.

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