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Borean (Generali), to compete in AI, public-private partnership is needed

(ANSA) – TRIESTE, 07 SEPTEMBER – “The only way to compete with the enormous potential and large capital is to bring together the entire public-private sector”. This is the recipe for competing in the Artificial Intelligence sector according to Cristiano Borean, financial director of Generali, keeping a basic principle firmly in mind, mutuality: “We all get together and those who have had, partly help those who have not”. Borean spoke today at a meeting on “Economy and Science” with cosmologist and professor of theoretical physics at Sissa Roberto Trotta, moderated by Simona Regina. The meeting took place as part of Link, the ‘media festival’ of the Nem Group underway in Trieste. A doctrine that must deal with the delay that Italy accuses in this area. A study presented yesterday at the Ambrosetti Forum reported that the national GDP could grow by 18% using the possibilities of AI, but we are behind in training (skills), in strategic vision and in investments. Borean’s example is monumental: “If we take the amount invested in AI as 100, 4% is Europe’s investment, 69% is the US’s”. Returning to training: “In the business world, we started years ago with a public-private initiative involving universities, research institutions and other entities, including the Mib (School of Management) – underlines the CFO of Generali – There is no individual solution to training, and there is no path that is not public-private. What is needed are figures who know how to teach machines. On three cornerstones: basic research, applied research and training”. But what is urgent and essential are the rules that regulate the “dimension” of AI. A complex ambition because, as Trotta indicated, “what distinguishes AI from other technologies is speed, its exponential acceleration: the world of work will not have years to adapt as happened in the first industrial revolution”. And in the face of this ongoing revolution, we must be neither apocalyptic nor integrated, but remain in what the cosmologist has defined as the “gray zone”. In short, “freedom with limits”, carry on research, but “in the interest of humanity”, Borean highlights. (ANSA).

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– 2024-09-08 07:06:50

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