Today, April 30, is Border Guard Day in Ukraine. Believers honor the memory of Apostle James Zebedee. There are 245 days left until the New Year.
April 30, 2024 – Tuesday. 797th day of the war in Ukraine.
What kind of church holiday is it today?
April 30 in the church calendar – Apostle James Zebedee Memorial Day. He was one of the twelve disciples of Jesus Christ. He was born in Galilee in a fisherman’s family. He is the brother of John the Divine, who is considered one of the closest apostles to the Savior. It was James, John, Andrew and Peter who were involved in the most difficult events in the life of Jesus. Jacob’s head was cut off by order of King Herod.
What not to do on April 30
- You cannot straighten your hair, because you will weave misfortune into it.
- Repairs are prohibited.
- Don’t be late and lazy.
Folk signs and traditions for April 30
Among our ancestors there were many signs of interest for today:
- look at what day it is today: a starry and warm night – the summer will be fruitful;
- in the morning the weather will tell what the summer will be like;
- Warm rain falls during the day – to a great harvest of grain;
- the stars are hiding behind the clouds – expect rain.
The last day of April closed the wedding season for our ancestors. By this time, all food supplies had already run out, so it was difficult to set a rich holiday table. Besides, fieldwork season had just begun. There was a belief that if you get married in May, you will suffer for the rest of your life.
Name day: what to call a child born on April 30
What is the name of today? Vasily, Ignat, Klim, Maxim, Nikita, Yakov.
It is a talisman of a person born on April 30 flowing. The stone became known to mankind back in the 4th century. It has long been believed that people who have problems on an emotional level should wear agate.
He was born on this day:
- 1932 – Ukrainian writer Vasily Shevchuk;
- 1970 – Ukrainian army commander, who participated in the Russian-Ukrainian war, Hero of Ukraine Sergei Naev;
- 1971 – Ukrainian serviceman of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, who took part in the Russian-Ukrainian war, Hero of Ukraine Sergei Vasich.
Memorable dates April 30
Calendar of important events in Ukraine and the world for April 30:
- 711 – the army of Tariq bin Ziyad lands on the coast of Spain, begins to conquer it;
- 1803 – United States buys Louisiana from France for $15 million;
- 1838 – Nicaragua secedes from the Central American Federation;
- 1854 – the first railway opened in Brazil;
- 1863 – Battle of Chancellorsville begins;
- 1900 – the union of the Hawaiian Islands with the United States;
- 1918 – Nikolai Vasilenko appointed as atom (head of the Council of Ministers) Hetman Skoropadsky;
- 1977 – British rock band Led Zeppelin set a world record for concert attendance;
- 1999 – related to the fulfillment of its mandate in Ukraine, the work of the OSCE mission comes to an end;
- 2018 – The ATO in eastern Ukraine changes to Joint Forces.
Weather on April 30
Today, April 30, it is sunny in Kyiv, no precipitation is expected. In Lviv it will be cloudy with clearings, rain is possible. In Kharkov, cloudy with clearings, no precipitation. It is sunny in Odessa, no rain is expected.
The air temperature in Kyiv is +24 during the day and +14 at night. In Lviv – +23 during the day and +10 at night. In Kharkov – +26 during the day and +13 at night. In Odessa – +21 during the day and +15 at night.
What day is it today in Ukraine and in the world?
April 30 International Jazz Day / Photo: Unsplash
April 30 is celebrated in Ukraine Border Guard Day. Every year the professional holiday falls on the last day of April. This is an opportunity to pay respect to those military personnel who protect our state’s borders.
Also on April 30 International Jazz Day. The holiday was created in 2011 after the official decision of UNESCO. The initiative to create such an event belongs to the American jazz pianist Herbie Gencock. New Orleans (USA) is the birthplace of jazz. This city in the south of the country has deep connections with Europe. In the early 1700s, the area was home to many black slaves who gathered on Sundays around the town to dance to drum music. They had a great influence on jazz music. Just like the brass band, which became popular in the United States after World War II.
And also April 30 International Candlelight Day. An unusual holiday, popular in many countries around the world. It draws attention to the fascinating craft of candle makers. The holiday was created in 2017. The art of candle making unites a large number of people.
April 30th Hair Day (Hair Appreciation Day). An unofficial American holiday created to honor the work of barbers and hair salons, as well as stylists and everyone who creates hairstyles.
2024-04-29 17:58:28
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