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border closings and cascading restrictions in Europe and worldwide

The main global central banks launched a concerted action on Sunday to reassure the markets in the face of fears generated by the coronavirus pandemic, which has claimed more than 2,000 lives in Europe and more than 6,000 in the world.

Simultaneously, population confinements and border closures are increasing in an attempt to contain the spread of the disease.

The US Federal Reserve, the ECB and the central banks of Japan will increase the supply of financial markets with liquidity.

The Fed also lowered its rates by one point to reassure the markets. UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres urged governments around the world to work together to prevent a recession.

The epidemic is progressing in Europe

Country most affected in Europe by the pandemic, Italy on Sunday registered a record number of 368 new deaths in 24 hours, bringing the death toll to 1809.

Starting point for the epidemic, China remains the country with the highest number of deaths (3,199). But it is now in Europe that the epidemic is progressing rapidly, with 2291 deaths, most of it in Italy and Spain, where the number of contaminations recorded has jumped with 2000 additional cases in 24 hours.

And there are now more deaths recorded elsewhere in the world (3221) than in China, which seems to have halted the spread of the virus (14 new deaths on Monday).

In total, 6,420 people have officially died from the Covid-19 disease, for 159,844 cases registered worldwide, according to a report established by AFP from official sources Sunday at 5:00 p.m. GMT.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Europe is now “the epicenter“of the disease. The European Union has established restrictions on the export of protective medical equipment in order to guarantee its own supply.

The second most affected country in Europe, Spain has confined its population and declared a state of alert for 15 days.

Closings, restrictions, cancellations

Faced with the progression of the pandemic, closings, travel restrictions and event cancellations continue to be announced in cascade.

Stopped since Sunday – restaurants, bars, nightclubs, cinemas, schools and universities are closed -, France (5000 cases, 120 dead) nevertheless maintained its municipal elections, but participation collapsed by almost 20 points.

Austria (602 cases on Saturday) has banned gatherings of more than five people and has limited travel to what is strictly necessary.

The Netherlands and Luxembourg also ordered the closure of places and shops welcoming the public on Sunday and Ireland that of pubs.

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In the Netherlands, the government has ordered the closure of schools, bars, brothels, and also that of coffee shops, before which long queues had formed after the announcement, customers wanting to ensure their supply of marijuana.

A state of emergency has been declared in Serbia for an indefinite period, and the army will be mobilized to help fight the pandemic.

The Czech government has announced that the free movement of citizens will be limited for eight days in an attempt to stem the spread of the coronavirus.

Franco-German border closed

Many countries seek to protect themselves by isolating themselves further and further, within the EU, undermining the European principle of free movement.

Germany and France will thus partially close their common border by only authorizing the passage to cross-border workers and the transport of goods.

Russia (45 cases, no deaths) closed its land borders with Norway and Poland on Sunday.

In Italy, the authorities in Lombardy (north) are now worried about the capacity of their hospital system to absorb the influx of patients.

In Rome, all the celebrations of Holy Week will be held without the faithful, as will the general audiences of the Pope until April 12.

The sovereign pontiff nevertheless left the Vatican on Sunday to go and pray in a church where there is a crucifix reputed to be miraculous, which was carried in procession in 1522 to end the “Great plague“.

Waiting lines

Outside Europe, the measures are also tightening.

In the United States, the new controls for Americans returning from Europe have caused chaos at airports: long queues of several hours. In New York, Mayor Bill de Blasio announced the closure of public schools.

In Buenos Aires, President Alberto Fernandez announced that Argentina is closing its borders and suspending classes in all educational establishments. Sports and music shows are also suspended and shopping centers closed.

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has announced that residents of seven states, including Caracas, will be confined to their homes from Monday.

Guatemala has closed to European nationals after having registered a first death on its territory. Colombia prohibits the entry of foreigners.

Israel closed from Sunday restaurants, shopping malls, cafes and gyms, and the corruption trial of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been postponed.

The Lebanese population must remain confined to their homes for two weeks and the Beirut International Airport will close from Wednesday until the end of March.

Iran, the third most affected country in the world, has announced 113 additional deaths (724 deaths in total, 13,938 cases). Authorities asked residents to “cancel all their trips and stay at home“and closed the heart of the Shiite Shrine of Machhad.

In Africa, so far little affected, Kenya has announced the closure of its borders, and both South Africa and Ghana prohibit the entry of nationals of the countries most at risk.

Morocco has suspended all international flights but special aircraft have been authorized to repatriate stranded European tourists.

Chile, now imitated by Peru, has closed its ports to cruise ships, after the quarantine of two of them with around 1300 people on board.

Another ship, with 3,700 people, is under quarantine in New Zealand, a country that has also prohibited cruise ship calls until June 30.

The world sports calendar continues to empty. Brazil has thus suspended all its football competitions, the national federation recognizing “(football) responsibility in the fight against the expansion of Covid-19“.

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