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Bordeaux Métropole Launches Survey to Combat Heat Islands and Enhance Public Space

Bordeaux Métropole launched a survey this week on how temperatures feel. The inhabitants of Bordeaux Métropole are invited to answer a questionnaire in 11 places of the metropolis by scanning a QR code. This initiative is part of the “Refreshing Metropolis” program and aims to collect data to fight against heat islands and develop public space accordingly.

The 11 sites selected for the survey: Blanquefort > Blanquefort station (Tram C terminus), Bordeaux > Forecourt of the station, Capucins market, skate park, Saint-Projet square, Nansouty square, Angéliques park, Thiers avenue, Lormont > The Buttinière, Begles > Place du 14 Juillet and The Bouscat > Médoc barrier.

At the same time, Bordeaux Métropole has announced that it is continuing its large-scale operation “Let’s plant 1 million trees”. In three planting seasons, more than 350,000 trees and shrubs were planted. An envelope of €35 million over six years is devoted to this ambitious program.

2023-08-08 22:13:52
#Bordeaux #Métropole #invites #residents #answer #questionnaire

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