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Boost Your Health with Annual Check-Ups and Anti-Aging Examinations: Expert Tips

Popular greetings….. Whether it’s a new year or a birthday, there must be this word. “Wish you good health.” Have you taken care of your physical health today? Because good health starts with ourselves. Want good health You must take good care of your body. Let’s start the year by inviting you to have your annual health check. Because each year we use our bodies too hard. I want to repay my body for being with me for a long time. It needs to be maintained a bit.

I have to admit that At present, in addition to general annual health check-ups, Some people still have more Anti-Aging health examinations. Are the two types of examinations similar or different? Dr. Kridakorn Kasornkham, medical expert from Addlife Total Check Up Center, 1st floor. Life Center (Q House Lumpini) has provided information regarding this matter. General health check It is a test for detecting abnormalities in the body. What are the tendencies or risks of developing diseases? Or a disease occurs and then treatment is given.

But the Anti-Aging test is to detect abnormalities before disease occurs. Just symptoms or deterioration occur, such as chronic fatigue, insomnia, worsening memory, or poor sexual performance as before. There is no need to wait for the disease to occur before coming to get checked. Or if you don’t have any symptoms, you can come and get tested. In order to proactively take care of your health There will be a deep examination at the cellular level, such as checking the levels of chemicals, nutrients, antioxidants in the body, hormones, checking the balance of microorganisms in the body, etc. This will make it possible to discover the cause of deterioration or aging symptoms at an early stage. Before disease or abnormality occurs in the body It also reduces the chance of serious diseases such as stroke, cancer, heart disease, etc.

Many of you have probably heard of genetic testing. Gene testing is one of the Anti Aging tests that examines the genetic code or DNA that makes up an individual’s body. which can be used to identify a person’s identity It can also be used to tell health information in many ways, including:

– Risk of developing diseases such as cancer, diabetes, heart disease, stroke, dementia, etc.

– Response to medication Chances of drug allergy Occurrence of side effects

– Help plan for screening for diseases that can be inherited genetically. for family planning

– Diagnosis of difficult-to-diagnose genetic diseases

– Behavioral and environmental factors that affect health

which information about genes or genetics Can be used in conjunction with other health examinations. This gives doctors the right information. Helps in planning health care and suitable for each person That will help reduce the risk of disease. Plan your life appropriately

The doctor recommends that You should have a general annual health check. and Anti-Aging examination, both in parallel. Because it is a different type of examination. cannot be substituted which brings together information from both sides It will help make the diagnosis more accurate. For good health and long life.

2024-03-11 09:11:00

#AntiAging #health #check

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