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Boost Your Health with a Homemade Red Fruit Paste Recipe

It’s an original recipe, perfect for taking care of your skin, your joints… your health! Today, we offer you a recipe for fruit paste with red fruits. Imagined by Astrid Romain, micronutritionist, these little treats full of vitamins will perk you up!

It’s back to school! Stocking up on energy is more than a necessity. For this, we invite you to discover a vitamin recipe imagined by Astrid Romainmicronutritionniste.

Today, I suggest you concoct an ideal recipe to stock up on vitamins and take care of your skin and your joints. It’s a complete recipe to please yourself but above all to take care of your health.

Let’s get cooking!

No need to be a star chef to reproduce this vitamin-rich recipe. To start, you will need some good red fruits. If you like walking in the great outdoors, you will be happy to put together your own basket.

Here is the list of ingredients for your recipe:

It’s hard to resist this sweet and sweet scent! Strawberries are eaten from May until September. This month, you can still find some. Go to the market nearest to you. They will all be fresh. Strawberries are fragile fruits, so it is wiser to eat them after returning from the market. If you want to keep your strawberries a little longer, do not remove their green collars. Put them in your refrigerator. You can keep them cool for two days.

Trays of strawberries, Victor Hugo Market in Toulouse • © Lola Bernal/FTV

You won’t have trouble finding beautiful strawberries at farmers’ markets or in organic stores. Once washed, consume them without moderation!

You can easily find blackberries in the wild. The wild blackberry season starts at the end of summer and food lovers know it. This delicious black fruit is easy to pick if you take a few precautions. To collect them, it is best to go out covered! Choose long-sleeved t-shirts and pants. Of course, don’t forget to take a container and why not gloves to collect as much as possible. Remember to pick them at a height of at least 80 cm to avoid any contact with the ground.

With them, you can combine pleasure in the mouth and well-being! The raspberry season extends from May to October for certain varieties, according to the Ministry of Agriculture. Just like blackberries, you will have no trouble finding raspberries in the wild. Wild raspberries are generally found in rather mountainous areas. They are easily found in massifs at low altitudes. These days, you may encounter everbearing raspberry bushes. If you live in the Aveyron department, know that the berries will generously fill your baskets. Raspberries, blueberries, redcurrants… You will have a wide choice of berries to make your jams, smoothies, tarts and fruit jellies!

It’s impossible not to love these little purple berries that everyone loves! Until the end of September, you will find beautiful wild blueberries in mid-mountains in light coniferous forests or at farmers’ markets. If you live in Toulouse, you will easily find them at the Victor Hugo market near the Jean Jaurès metro station.

Trays of raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, Victor Hugo Market in Toulouse • © Lola Bernal/FTV

10 sheets of gelatin eating

To make your fruit jellies, you will need ten sheets of gelatin. Preferably, buy them from an organic store. It will be better.

Attention ! When picking your red fruits, it is important to take sufficient precautions. We remind you that wild picking is not without risk.

Now let’s get ready!

Snack time is never far away. To make sure you have something to eat, equip yourself with a blender and a saucepan. If some are impatient, know that everything will be ready after about fifteen minutes. Let’s take action!

1. Soak 10 organic gelatin sheets in a large glass of water.

2. After washing your red fruits, cut them into pieces and put them in your blender.

3. When the fruits are relatively well mixed, add a little water to your preparation to liquefy everything.

4. You get a puree. To remove the grains, pass it through a small strainer. Then pour it into a saucepan.

5. Bring your preparation to a boil.

6. When you see a few bubbles, turn off your cooking plates and let the preparation cool.

7. Once the preparation has cooled, take your gelatin sheets and put them in the saucepan. Mix and pour everything into small ice cubes or cannelé molds.

8. Open your freezer and leave your small snacks inside to solidify.

It’s ready !

Perfect for your snacks, these fruit jellies have multiple benefits and will above all allow you to take care of your skin and joints. Strawberries, raspberries, blackberries and blueberries are rich in antioxidants, potassium and vitamin C. This recipe will definitely give you a little pep after the start of the school year!

We don’t eat enough red fruits and yet, they are marvelous. In the office, I recommend them to my patients. They are delicious, bring back childhood memories, are not very sweet and are real slimming partners. Rich in vitamin C, they will boost your immune defenses.

Now all you have to do is enjoy!

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