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Boost Immunity and Prevent Cancer

When microorganisms such as bacteria and viruses attack, taking vitamin C supplements is often the first choice to maintain the body’s immune system. Vitamin C can indeed be relied upon to prevent various diseases.
Vitamin C, which has another name ascorbic acid, belongs to the group of water-soluble vitamins. The body is unable to produce and store vitamin C on its own. Therefore, it is necessary to meet the daily requirement of vitamin C from food intake including supplements.
The Deutsche Welle (DW) page says, those who do not live in extreme areas such as the poles or deserts easily get vitamin C. It is enough to consume fruits and vegetables to meet their daily needs.
“Vitamin C can be found in fruits such as kiwi, oranges, and grapefruit, but also in Brussels sprouts, broccoli and bell peppers. Unfortunately, these vegetables are heat sensitive, so be careful when cooking,” the page reads. .
Not only maintaining the body’s immunity, vitamin C is also important for metabolic processes. Its biochemical functions such as digesting food are also very important for the human body. Although it does not provide energy for the body, vitamin C is a micronutrient that is very important for cell metabolism and endurance.
Vitamin C can prevent degenerative diseases such as cancer and suppress premature aging. The reason is that vitamins can fight free radicals that come from outside the body such as ozone, X-ray radiation, air pollution and cigarette smoke, food and water contaminated with toxins and pesticides, liquor, and some industrial products.
Another function of vitamin C is as an antioxidant, which can reduce the damage to molecules in the body caused by free radicals. These radicals are produced during normal metabolic processes. However, these harmful substances quickly cause oxidative stress and increased free radical formation. It also increases the need for vitamin C.
Vitamin C in strawberries besides being able to protect the human body from oxygen radicals also plays an important role in various enzymatic activities. This process is like the synthesis of the protein collagen, which helps form muscles, tendons, bones, cartilage, and skin. Slow wound healing may indicate a lack of vitamin C.
When an infection occurs, the body needs to get vitamin C. This is because this vitamin is responsible not only for protecting cells in the body, but also protecting the body during infection. It does this by stimulating the migration of immune cells, known as neutrophils, to the site of infection, promoting phagocytosis, removing cellular waste and killing pathogens.
Acute deficiency of vitamin C can be seen in people with scurvy. Symptoms of this disease are slow wound healing, bruising and defoliation of hair and teeth, and joint pain. To protect yourself from scurvy is only needed as much as 10 milligrams of vitamin C every day.
Vitamin C is also able to reduce the risk of developing high blood pressure, coronary heart disease, and stroke.
According to the consumer protection agency in Germany, the recommended daily intake of vitamin C is 110 milligrams for men and 95 milligrams for women. While researchers from Oregon State University recommend 400 milligrams per day for all adults.
Vitamins in high amounts are not harmful. If too much is digested, the body will automatically get rid of excess vitamins through urine. hi/I-1

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Editor : Ilham Sudrajat

Writer : Haryo Brono

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