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boom of young people in hospital, are victims of depression

PORDENONE / UDINE – Since March 2020, that is, since the pandemic broke out, in the Pediatric ward of the Santa Maria degli Angeli hospital in Pordenone, the number of hospitalized children has drastically reduced, because the use of the mask protects the little ones from infections and flu. Unfortunately, however, the number of adolescent patients has increased considerably (out of 30 beds available, there are also 20 places occupied by very young people); these are boys hospitalized due to problems related to depression, neurosis, or eating disorders. Even very young patients, whose outpatient management is no longer sufficient. Hospital admission becomes necessary, which often lasts for months. “Food problems – underlines Dr. Gianluigi Luxardi, head of the San Vito Center for Eating Disorders – both anorexia and bulimia, increased during the pandemic. One cannot with certainty cause-effect relationships but surely the isolation and the absence of relationships could have favored the onset of these disorders ». Food pathologies have a “curative” function with respect to deeper discomforts. They are a way to contain, tolerate anguish (as long as I focus on food I don’t think about anything else). In fact, they are a reaction to a creeping anxiety or depression problem that affects already vulnerable people. Often perfectionistic, result-dependent. They delude themselves into being able to control something: food, without having to depend on the judgment of others. Those who experience eating disorders have difficulties in managing emotions, relationships, solving the problems that life raises. The San Vito Center for Eating Disorders opened in 1996 offers outpatient services. “But there are people who require to be followed every day, because they are unable to continue the treatment program alone. For this – continues Luxardi – we rely on the Pediatrics of Pordenone ». «To help our patients to have continuity with daily life – said the head physician Roberto Dall’Amico – we have activated the school in the ward. There are teachers who come to the ward and give lessons. This school activated in collaboration with the Third Drusin has legal value. The project is supervised by Professor Silvia Burelli ». In addition to the school, thanks to volunteers, in Pediatrics courses in art therapy and music therapy are also offered which are real therapeutic activities. After discharge, patients are followed up with targeted therapies and families are actively involved, because a positive home environment capable of giving adequate stimuli and avoiding inappropriate attitudes, habits or expressions, strongly contributes to treatment and recovery. A day center will soon be available in the wing adjacent to the Pediatrics to follow and welcome patients. Thanks to this center, patients will be able to spend the day there, instead of being hospitalized, and in the evening they will return to their home. The premises are already prepared and made cheerful by the wall decorations by Ugo Furlan. The furnishings are provided by Rotary and Adao (Eating Disorders Association).

Last updated: 09:46

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