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BOOKS OF YESTERDAY AND TODAY: Lupe Jones and women as merchandise | At the moment

Characters like Jones, without experience, who offer nothing to the population, go for a budget cut

Teresa Gil
[email protected]

María Guadalupe Jones Garay, Señorita Universo 1991, a woman who has lived within that great business that is to expose the female body for the profit of large transnational companies, was launched as a candidate for governor of Baja California by the organization Si por México that make up PRI , PAN and PRD. It is a paradigmatic case regarding which the Mexican feminist movement remains silent. Behind those large companies that organize and promote annually since 1952, the presence of the female body in world competitions, they have been apart from large media, in our country Televisa, none other than the former president of the United States Donald Trump who bought the contest in 1996 and had the luxury of selecting the finalists since its acquisition. The contest moves in the great majority of the countries, in the alternation of its realization and with time those who at the time resisted were added, some Europeans, Africans and even the USSR since the outbreak of Perestroika. The so-called Miss Universe Organization (MUO) is so unique that its presence in digital libraries that also fall within that range of transnationals, its approach is assumed almost like a treatise, long, punctilious, anecdotal and covered with justification. Beauty sells and it’s big business. If the woman is beautiful, she must be displayed. Until three years ago, 4,585 women had participated. Mexico has with Mrs. Jones, two called Miss Universe with her and Ximena Navarrete and in their coexistence for decades, one from France, Mrs. Christiane Martell, winner in 1953, who competed for that country when it is said that she was born in Italy, with the surname Magnani.


When Mrs. Jones won the Miss Universe pageant in 1991 it seemed like a case negotiated by then-controversial President Carlos Salinas de Gortari. His name Guadalupe so acclaimed in Mexico and his surname Jones, created a strange mixture of Mexico and the United States, with the exaltation of the Virgin of Guadalupe and Jones, the fifth most common surname in the neighboring country, within a hundred common surnames. Surname first in Wales, second in England and Australia. A very convenient mix for Mexico at the time. However, the dark beauty of Mrs. Jones had behind her the characteristic of being a good businesswoman. Shortly after, she began directing her own contests, knowing the beauty of Mexican women and the good business they represent; She extended her empire, became the best promoter of that beautiful woman in the exhibition and came to form the Universal Mexicana Company. The concept includes all of us as part of the purposes of the contest: indigenous, mestizo, Afro-Mexican, white, all included in a mercantilist concept of Mexican women.


Various contestants over the decades have reported mistreatment by Mrs. Jones. Justice has never been done. There has been some misogyism in the way he pointed them out during training for the presentation at the events. These beauty contests bring to mind Mario Puzo and the double standards that he mentions in The Godfather about that open world of societies and politics and the underworld, the dark underground, which is hidden in every country. The exaltation of the beautiful woman in the most famous world media, the recognitions, the awards, cover up the other treatment, that of the defenestration of women as a prostitute, as a more direct merchandise in the use of her body, as part of the crime that spreads, trafficking, woman in that concept, of use and waste. The same contest regulations cover up double standards by forcing the contestants not to be married, or to have had pregnancies, that is, they are actually telling them that they must be virgins, very Catholic, despite the fact that the contest extended their age to 28 years. If the contestants comply, they are being condemned to chastity for having the honor of being considered beautiful in their entirety.


The face with which they have wanted to raise the image of women in beauty contests is mixed with defense projects, with public struggles to face problems such as breast cancer and other female diseases. Companies launch campaigns to respect girls, despite the fact that “little sisters” were used for decades. Little girls who accompanied the contestants, as an omen, perhaps, of what they might be in the future. The UN has recognized Guadalupe Jones Garay and named her as one of its ambassadors. From that body that has a section in defense of women, nothing has been said about the situation of these contests. The Si por México parties, as part of this electoral campaign that will be defined on June 6, have launched famous people in the media or as actors. The former Miss Universe is her candidate for governor in Baja California. Most of the candidates are people without experience, as Mrs. Jones herself has recognized, who go on the adventure of a budget cut, without offering anything in exchange to the population. It is the strategy of those parties to deal with to recover what was lost from the insubstantial and in many cases degrading for women.



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