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Books by pioneering women in history, science or art

One of the great qualities of reading is that it invites you to reflect, question and ask yourself all those beliefs, events and ideas that you thought were absolute. Something very necessary that will help you break boundaries, open your mind and discover the infinite possibilities that surround you. That is why we cannot think of a better way to spend today than with enjoying one of the many works dedicated to those women who have played a fundamental role in history, many of them forgotten. Scientists, mathematicians, creators, writers and all those anonymous who have strived to make this world a better place.

– No gift ideas? 12 books that cannot be missing from your collection

They were always there

This book tells us about spanish women that excelled in all fields: in medicine, in journalism, in science, in art … in a country that was always seen as ‘backward’, almost barbarian. They are a portrait of great women who deserve to be remembered and taken out of oblivion or ignorance.

Buy for € 19.00

No place for women

No place for women

Little is said about those women who fought during the first world war to save the lives of thousands of soldiers. In this book, you will learn the story of the British doctors Flora Murray and Louisa Garrett Anderson, who left everything, including their active fight for the right to vote for women, to move to France and start up two small military hospitals. In 1915 they were asked by the War Office to return to London and start up a new military hospital in a huge old abandoned hospice on Endell Street in Covent Garden, at a time when women could not care for men.

Buy for € 21.75

They count: 50 women and girls who changed the world

They count: 50 women and girls who changed the world

A good book to read with your children for learn the role of great women like Marie Curie, Dian Fossey, Billie Holiday, Rosa Parks, Malala Yousafzai … women who dreamed of changing and improving the world and strove to share all their knowledge. Not just adult women, but also girls like Malala who faced fear to fight for their beliefs.

Buy for € 18.95

Heroines Cards

Heroines Cards

Many of the constellations bear their names. His victories, his exploits were remembered. They were admired and their stories continue to be remembered. And yet theirs were forgotten. Despite taking their and raising their children homes alone, putting up with infidelities, defying social conventions and overcoming the greatest feat: surviving in a man’s world. This compilation of letters written by Ovid in the first century offers us a empathetic, fair, sincere and different portrait of some of the women of Greek mythology.

Buy for € 14.19

Extraordinary women

Extraordinary women

Not everything that is told about the great men who made history is completely true … and there are paragraphs that have remained unwritten. Like for example, that Juana la Loca was never crazy. That her husband did not die, as they say, of a digestion cut. That Santa Teresa was denounced to the inquisition as a heretic. That the witches of Zugarramurdi were only midwives, midwives, herbalists. Lucía Etxebarria explains, in this book, how relevant was the role of many women who were ignored or repudiated.

Buy for € 15.19

The girls are from science

The girls are from science

This book is the perfect one to bring this wonderful world of knowledge closer to your daughters: from Agnodice, the first known doctor in history, to Rosalind Franklin, the chemist who discovered the structure of DNA, to Vera Rubin, the astronomer who saw it. that nobody saw, lwomen have pioneered science since the beginning of time. A perfect book for young teenagers who are thinking about their future as well as for you, so that you know 25 examples of superscientists who show that girls and laboratories are a good combination.

Buy for € 15.15

The forgotten ones

The forgotten ones

The author, Ángeles Caso, traces the lives of great creators that history has endeavored to ignore and forget. Creative and wise women, writers, artists or composers who rebelled against the prevailing order and had to live with doubts, fears and persecutions. Cases such as that of Hildegarda de Bingen, councilor of popes and emperors, Cristina de Pisan, chronicler of French history, Beatriz Galindo, Latin teacher of Isabel la Católica, Sofonisba Anguissola, portraitist at the court of Felipe II, María de Zayas , successful novelist in the Golden Age, Aphra Behn, playwright and spy in Restoration England or Luisa Ignacia Roldán, chamber sculptor of Carlos II and Felipe V.

Buy from € 8.50

Land of women

Land of women

María Sánchez (Córdoba, 1989) is the daughter of veterinarians but also the first woman in her family to pursue a trade traditionally held by men. In this book, he narrates what his daily life is like in a predominantly male rural Spain. With her own experience and reflections, she proposes to serve as a speaker and give space to all the silenced women in the Spanish fields, to all those who had to give up an education and independence to work the land with their hands and take care of their lives. families.

Buy for € 16.15

Marie Curie

Marie Curie

The woman for whom today we feel great devotion and a extraordinary scientist, was branded as an impostor, an immigrant Jew, an adulteress, an exploited … This exciting biography will make us discover life with new eyes Marie Curie, a tireless worker who gave her life for science.

Buy for € 18.90

La zarina

La zarina

The tsarina is the adventure of an unusual and brave woman, and also the story of the birth of modern Russia, of a turbulent and unstable Empire, of the madness of war and the brutality of the 18th century, when human life had little value. he night of the death of Peter I the Great of Russia, Catherine, his second wife, worried about the succession, decides to hide the death of the tsar. During the hours of uncertainty that follow the death of her former lover and friend, Catalina reviews her eventful life.

Buy for € 20.80

In the footsteps of Jane Austen

In the footsteps of Jane Austen

From the hand of Espido Freire, Jane Austen, the British author who is usually associated with Puritanism and the image of a compulsive spinster is revealed in these pages as a great lover: a woman in many moments passionate and revolutionary. Undoubtedly, a work more than necessary in current times, in which the author travels the landscapes and places that marked the life of the writer, without hiding her contradictions.

Buy for € 17.95

The desired

The desired

This is the account of three generations of island women united by the force of blood, abuse and violence. This novel is also the journey that Marie-Noëlle begins from Guadeloupe to France, passing through the USA, to put together the pieces of the puzzle of her individuality, leaving aside the versions of her mother Reynalda, her grandmother Nina and her nurse Ranélise .

Buy for € 21.37

I have a name

I have a name

These are some intimate memories and deeply moving, that will forever transform our perception of sexual violence and that demand justice, above all, but also the right to continue living.

Buy for € 20.80

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