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Books about Massot i Muntaner and Villangómez in Can Ventosa

The Ibiza municipal library welcomes this week the presentation of two books, the coral ‘The monk, the historian and the publisher. Tribute to Josep Massot i Muntaner ‘ and ‘Shares: the epistolary of Marià Manent and Marià Villangómez (1954-1987)’, with a common thread, the presence of the writer Jordi Manent, grandson of Marià Manent.

The presentation of the book on Massot and Muntaner, which will take place this Friday at 7:00 p.m., is also a tribute to the Mallorcan historian on the 80th anniversary of his birth. ‘The monk, the historian and the editor. Homenatge a Josep Massot i Muntaner ‘is a volume composed of articles by different authors coordinated by Jordi Manent. In the presentation, in addition to the coordinator, there will be Mateu Malondra, director of the Institut d’Estudis Baleàrics and three Ibizan collaborators in the work: Miquel Costa, Felip Cirer and Fanny Tur. The volume has been edited by Publicacions de l’Abadia de Montserrat, which Massot himself has directed since 1971, within the Abat Oliba collection.

On the other hand, Saturday will be presented, also in the library at 20 hours, ‘Shares: the epistolary of Marià Manent and Marià Villangómez (1954-1987)’, which collects the correspondence between the writer from Barcelona and the writer from Ibiza for more than thirty years. The edition has been in charge of Neus Giménez Tur and published by Miquel Costa Editor. In the presentation will be Jordi Manent, Miquel Costa and the Councilor for Culture of Ibiza, Pep Tur.

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