Home » today » News » Booking.com Faces Backlash for Delayed Payments to Landlords The travel company Booking.com is receiving criticism from frustrated landlords who have not yet been paid for their services. One landlord, Stig Flem, is waiting for NOK 100,000 from the company and expresses his frustration over the situation. Booking.com has apologized for the payment delays, attributing them to a global system update that has affected a small portion of its partners. The issue has gained attention on social media and even caught the attention of national broadcasters like BBC. The company assures that they are working to resolve the situation promptly.

Booking.com Faces Backlash for Delayed Payments to Landlords The travel company Booking.com is receiving criticism from frustrated landlords who have not yet been paid for their services. One landlord, Stig Flem, is waiting for NOK 100,000 from the company and expresses his frustration over the situation. Booking.com has apologized for the payment delays, attributing them to a global system update that has affected a small portion of its partners. The issue has gained attention on social media and even caught the attention of national broadcasters like BBC. The company assures that they are working to resolve the situation promptly.

WAITING FOR MONEY: Stig Flem (39) is still waiting for money from Booking.com after renting an apartment in Ålesund in June, July and August. Photo: Private / Stig Flem

VG has been in contact with several frustrated landlords who are not paid by the travel company booking.com.


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A number of landlords express frustration over non-payments from the travel company Booking.com. Stig Flem (39), one of the landlords, has not yet received payment for overnight stays and is waiting for NOK 100,000 from the company. In a statement to VG, Booking.com apologizes for the payment delays and claims that they are working to solve the problems that have arisen during a planned global system update. The company emphasizes that its update has only affected a relatively small part of its partners. Show more

– It has started to take quite a long time now, and there are quite a few people who are angry.

This is what Stig Flem (39) tells us. He rents out an apartment in Ålesund every summer, but has not received any money transferred for this year’s tenants from the intermediary Booking.com.

In total, he is waiting for 100,000 kroner

– I am one of many who have not received money from them for quite some time, and it looks like it is an international problem. Booking.com is a big, serious company, but this is completely frivolous, says Flem.

In the facebook group “booking.com does not pay landlords” getting bigger every day. On Friday afternoon, the group has 1,500 members. Here landlords from all over the world, including Norway, express frustration with having more payments waiting.

MORE AFFECTED: There are many who express frustration about the situation on social media. Photo: Screenshot

The national broadcaster BBC have written several cases about the situation, which seem to affect widely.

VG has also received tips from several readers who are frustrated by the situation. A tipster says that she has lost sleep at night over the situation, and that it is severely affecting the economy.

– I have 100,000 I’m waiting for, and a friend also has around 100,000 she’s waiting for. And it’s just us! Think how much Booking.com is sitting on now, says Flem.

– False promises

Flem says that landlords were told in June that the travel company was going through a technical update during July.

– They wrote it would take three weeks, but it has taken almost two months. It’s a bit strange that they go on like this, he says.

Flem says that he finally contacted Booking.com on 1 August. He was then promised the money back by 4 August.

– That money never came. Now I have to consider whether I should continue with booking.com, or use airbnb or other services, says Flem, and adds:

– They really kick themselves when they do this. Several have already dropped the company and chosen something else.

PROMISED PAYMENT: Stig Flem was promised payment by 4 August. He didn’t get this. Photo: Screenshot

Booking.com: – We apologize

In an email to VG, Booking.com states that they apologize for the delay in payments that some of their accommodation partners have recently experienced.

– It is with pleasure that we can say that the vast majority of our partners have now received what they are owed, says the official statement.

They write that they are working quickly to fix the unforeseen technical problems that arose during a planned global update of their systems.

– It has affected a relatively small proportion of our partners. Although partners were notified of the update in advance, we recognize that for some this has taken longer than it should have, they write, adding:

– We continue to work quickly to resolve the latest cases.


Published: 18.08.23 at 21:23

Updated: 18.08.23 at 22:16

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2023-08-18 19:23:05

#money #Booking.com #Useless

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