Home » Entertainment » Book Signing of Pedro Sanchez at Doña Leo’s Bookstore and Twitter Controversy with Maximo Huerta

Book Signing of Pedro Sanchez at Doña Leo’s Bookstore and Twitter Controversy with Maximo Huerta

“Thursday, December 28. Book signing of Pedro Sanchez (51 years) in Doña Leo’s bookstore“, comes to announce the photograph that he shared this day the 28th, on his social network Twitter, the writer Maximo Huerta (52). A publication in the form of a snapshot at least amazing which was not accompanied by any text. Quickly, the reactions to your post They have not been long in coming.

Excellent“, “Very elegant“, “what a crack“, are some of them. Of course, it cannot be overlooked that this December 28 is the Day of the Holy Innocents y THE SPANISH has been able to confirm, in conversation with Máximo Huerta, that, in effect, this publication has been a innocent.

If this book signing had been real – the President of the Government has released his second work, Mainlandin this month of December -, and not the product of a mere jokewould have been striking, taking into account that Máximo Huerta was named Minister of Culture and Sports in 2018in the formation of Sánchez’s Government at that time.

[Máximo Huerta enseña su original árbol de Navidad y el detalle religioso con el que lo decora]

A brief appointment, then seven days After taking office, Máximo resigned. An episode that Huerta has always wanted to escape from when he was awarded heavy titles in the court media Máximo, the shortest minister in history.

However, it must be made clear that Pedro Sánchez has not signed books in Máximo’s business this December 28: everything is a lie.

Máximo’s link with Pedro Sánchez began to be drawn in 2018, when Huerta was appointed Minister of Culture and Sports and resigned after it was published that he allegedly evaded payment to the Treasury. 218.322 eurosan extreme that the writer himself took it upon himself to deny.

This is how Máximo recalled his ephemeral time in politics a few months ago in his talk with Risto Mejide (49) in Chester: “Macron (46) had just made someone resign to make himself look better and some within the PSOE told me that it was a strategy prepared by the president’s men to catch a famous person and make him resign.

Máximo Huerta with Pedro Sánchez on the day he was inaugurated as minister. Gtres

And he added: “I was toldthe same thing that Macron has done, he has done with you‘. To show cleanliness. I was someone exotic, who attracted attention. And no one told me ‘stay.’ “In his opinion, that”Zapatero would not have done it. He would have come out to say that it was a fine paid and that’s it. “It did hurt me how they defended the astronaut and others, and it didn’t hurt me.”

In that interviewMáximo revealed that Sánchez called him a month after the scandal: “I was in Almería with a good friend. I couldn’t even be at home, I didn’t want to talk to anyone. Pedro told me if I could be quiet, that didn’t respond to anything and that he would call me when everything calmed down, in a month.”

“On July 31 he called me. I was very nervous, because he was not well. It took me a lot to be well. He called me to offer me a position. (…) I told him that he shouldn’t have offered it nor should I have accepted it after all the commotion. And it would have been a dream… because it had always been a dream to be at a Cervantes Institute for me. But I was so afraid of the press, such panic to what the networks will say, to the digital newspapers… which I did not accept. “I couldn’t have withstood that pressure.”

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2023-12-28 20:59:41
#Pedro #Sánchez #signs #books #Máximo #Huertas #bookstore #innocent #fool #revolutionized #Buñol

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