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Bonus of 350 thousand pesos for each driver and owner: Government and transport unions reach an agreement | National

After several days of negotiation, the Government and leaders of public and school transport reached an agreement so that drivers and owners can access a voucher of 350 thousand pesos, plus, in the case of owners, the option to access three “soft” loans of 320 thousand pesos, to face the pandemic.

The agreement, which was reached this Friday afternoon, has a cost of around 180 million dollars for the Treasury and will be destined to around 140 thousand owners and drivers (accredited) of taxis, collectives, urban / rural buses in the country – Red / Transantiago is excluded -, in addition to school transport throughout the country.

The meeting was attended by national leaders of the transport unions, the Minister of Transport, Gloria Hutt, and the head of Social Development, Karla Rubilar.

“We are happy with the agreement we reached. We hope that it will relieve many passenger transport workers who have faced difficulties, ”said Minister Gloria Hutt.

It remains that the agreement is processed as law in Congress, which is projected to be expeditious.

The agreement

The agreement states that a one-time bonus will be granted in the amount of 350 thousand pesos for owners and drivers, and may be requested for a period of sixty days from the date of publication of the law that enables the delivery of this voucher.

In the event that they do not own the vehicle, those who as of August 1, 2020 worked as drivers of buses, taxibuses and minibuses, rural or urban, that provide services in the areas indicated in article 2 of the Law 20,378, or as drivers of school transport, basic and collective taxis, rural or urban, who will be able to accredit said quality by means of a sworn statement, signed before the respective Regional Ministerial Secretary of Transport.

In the event that the owners are legal persons, the beneficiary will be the legal representative in their capacity as such, registered with the respective Seremitt, never being able to pay more than one bond with respect to a natural person.

In the event that by virtue of a leasing contract the formal owner of the vehicle is a financial entity, the benefit will be applied to the mere registered holder.

The bonus will be compatible with all other benefits approved in Congress due to the Covid-19 pandemic situation, with the exception of those indicated in Law No. 21,242 and in Law No. 21,252.

In the case of those who were able to access the IFE, the amounts that have been collected or correspond to collect by virtue of said subsidy will be deducted from the bonus.

Also, it will not apply to vehicles that provide passenger transport services and school transport that have subsidy contracts with the Ministry of Transport and Telecommunications, within the framework of Article 5 of Law 20,378.


Regarding the loan, the agreement protocol states that a loan will be granted financed with a fiscal contribution, for an amount of 320.500 pesos, which may be requested monthly, by each natural or legal person that is beneficiary, owners or legal representatives registered with the Seremitt, up to three times.

Beneficiaries will be able to access the first two installments from September 1 to December 31, 2020, or as soon as the law that enables the delivery of this loan is in force.

It will have a one-year grace period, the first installment of which must be paid in September 2021, and may be paid in 16 equal installments, if it is a single loan. If it is more than one loan, the payment term and the amount vary.

He bond and loan are compatible with each other.

Financing is borne by the Public Treasury and the Ministry of Finance, will dictate the necessary rules for the implementation of the measures, once the law required to materialize the benefits is approved.


Hector Sandoval, president of the National Confederation of Collective Taxis of Chile (Conatacoch), assured that there is compliance with the agreement reached with the Government.

“We signed the agreement around 6:30 pm and fifteen minutes later I was already in the mixed finance committee of the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies, let us recognize that we saw an excellent predisposition from both chambers. If everything goes fine, next week we would have a law to receive payments from the following week “Sandoval said, after the meeting with ministerial authorities.

He added that “the task has already been done, what permanently pushed us to seek this necessary help, was that we were always aware of the difficulties that we began to live to tell of the social outbreak of October 2019, which worsened to an unimaginable state with the arrival of the coronavirus ”.

Sandoval explained that many of his clients and the world of transport had not benefited from the other measures that the Executive implemented to face the pandemic.

The deputy of the DC, Joanna perez, who assured that he had pressured the Government to settle the problem of transporters, indicated that “This is an advance, I want to congratulate leaders like Don Héctor Sandoval. I think it is important and we are going to analyze it so that drivers can also be beneficiaries of the bonus. Therefore, I appreciate that what has been requested has been channeled into the Chamber’s Social Development committee, then into the Finance committee and finally into the Chamber ”.

Also, Senator RN, Francisco Chahuán, celebrated the agreement reached.

“We believe it is necessary to grant this bond. Surely this is advance in dignity for the minor transport that has been affected by the loss of the passengers of the collective locomotion ”, said Chahuán.

Read the protocol here:

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