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Bonus for xenophobia!

They have always been accused of being racist, xenophobic, and even more negrophobic by the ” Africans or sub-Saharans, more precisely. Wrongly, they like to defend themselves although their words, actions or facts often contradict their victim stance.

But to see a North African president, Tunisian more precisely, even if he is in need of popularity, echoing such hateful and discriminatory remarks against illegal sub-Saharan migrants, or those who are trivially called the “Black” of the unspeakable.

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In Tunisia, where human rights organizations denounce racist remarks or outside, there is consternation. Even if the sub-Saharan countries from which these migrants come, belonging like Tunisia to the “Greater African Union”, have shone since then, by a silence that has become deafening, it seems that there is much cause for scandal.

In fact, if the undisclosed intention of the Tunisian president consists in surfing on a wave of nationalism which is gaining momentum within its population and which is relayed on social networks and even certain media, in order to hope for a dividend policy, recovering political health, the implications of the rowdy declarations of the Head of the Tunisian executive are to be feared.

« Hordes of illegal immigrants whose arrival would be a source of “violence, crimes and unacceptable acts” or constitute a ” criminal enterprise hatched at the dawn of this century to change the demographic composition of Tunisia “, in order to transform it into a country ” african only “and fade his character” Arab-Muslim ».

These remarks recall, – the memories are still very vivid -, the lyrical flights of Nicolas Sarkozy who then, Minister of the Interior and declared candidate for the French presidential election of 2007, stigmatized illegal migrants, culprits designated according to him, of insecurity and threats born to peace in his dear “ France ».

Of course, our approach is not implicit support, even less explicit, for illegal immigration, by any means. Convinced legalists, we advocate migration in accordance with the laws of the various destination countries. However, this is an alert that we are sounding in order to humanize the fate that will be reserved for illegal migrants who risk being trapped in Tunisia.

In fact, we are aware of the urgent measures likely to be taken, particularly at the security and military levels, to counter new illegal arrivals or to drive out ” out ” those who ” pollute by their mere presence, the beautiful landscape » Tunisian. And at the same time, acts of aggression of which migrants could be victims from Tunisians who would see in this exit of the president, a blank check, a license to commit all kinds of xenophobic acts or even a bonus reserved for xenophobia.

In any case, an urgent reaction should be made and measures taken to preserve the physical integrity of migrants. So that the Maghreb does not become a “mouroir in the open for sub-Saharans, after the dramas that occurred between Morocco and the Spanish enclaves of Ceuta and Melilla which horrified public opinion.

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