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Bonus for families with ISEE of 20 thousand euros: surprises in 2022

We will put the bonuses for families with ISEE of 20 thousand euros under the magnifying glass. What are the best discounts to apply for?

Families with an Equivalent Economic Situation Indicator equal to 20 thousand euros can have access to some interesting bonuses in 2022. Let’s find out which ones.

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It is common thought that the Government reserves bonuses and concessions to the economically more fragile segment of the population. This statement is true but only partially. Many measures are aided to support households with an ISEE of less than 15 thousand euros but there are bonuses that can also be requested by those who have an Indicator around you have 20 thousand euros. Of course, the options are limited but there are still savings opportunities not to be missed.

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Single Universal Check, the novelty of 2022

The first surprise of 2022 is theSingle Universal Check. The undisputed star of the first months of the year, the allowance will be paid starting from March to families with underage dependent children and of age up to 21 or over 21 provided they attend university or a training course or do an internship. The measure will also be provided to units with disabled children regardless of age. The amounts will vary according to the ISEE and the composition of the family unit. The reference range is included between 175 euros per child (with ISEE under 15 thousand euros) e 50 euro (ISEE over 40 thousand euros per year).

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Other Family Bonuses

The Government issues a Super Bonus per single to families made up of separated or divorced parents who, due to the pandemic, have suffered a reduction in income of at least 30%. The expected amount comes up a 800 euro for the maintenance of dependent children. Discounts are also provided for families with disabled children. There is no ISEE limit to obtain up to 500 euros but the amount paid will take into account the percentage of disability and income.

Furthermore, families with an ISEE of 20 thousand euros can get a discount on the invoice on the electricity and gas bill only if there are three dependent children. Otherwise, the ISEE limit is approximately 8 thousand euros.

Tax credit and concessions

Families with an ISEE of 20 thousand euros can take advantage of bonuses presented in the form of tax credit. In the list we mention the First home purchase bonus dedicated to those under 36 with an ISEE of less than 40 thousand euros; the Nursery bonus with a maximum contribution of 3 thousand euros as reimbursement of the nursery fees; the Water Bonus with a contribution of up to 1,000 euros for the replacement of sanitary ware and taps.

We then mention the Drinking water bonus – 500 euros for the installation of water filtration systems – and the home bonus which includes the well-known Super bonus 110% and the Furniture Bonus. We conclude with the Electric car bonus dedicated to families with an ISEE of less than 30 thousand euros. It provides a 40% discount for the purchase of an electric car with a maximum value of 30 thousand euros.

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