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Bonus, € 3500 incentive if you make this move with your car: don’t miss it

The incentives have arrived to favor the transition from internal combustion engines to electric. The bonus is therefore available to activate the electric retrofit, so you can convert your vehicle into a vehicle equipped with a battery! But what are the means that can take advantage of this € 3500 bonus? Here is all the information about it!

3500 € bonus to electrify your car – Motori.news

A state contribution of € 3,500 to entice as many people as possible to switch to electric. How? By converting your vehicle from an internal combustion engine to an electric one. At the moment it is not possible to convert the motorcycle, as there is no law on this thing. Conversion to electric, however, is available for many vehicles. Let’s see which ones!

The decree to activate the bonus on the so-called electric retrofit is finally possible. There had already been announcements about the implementation of the 2022 Budget Law, but now an implementing decree confirmed everything. Millions of Italians will be able to take advantage of this precious state incentive!

Let’s say right away that the maximum incentive is € 3500. In fact, it will not be possible to exceed 60% of the expenditure with the contribution. The Ministry of Infrastructure and Sustainable Mobility and the Ministry of Economic Development have decided to facilitate many people in the transition from polluting to electric vehicles. But what are the vehicles that can be converted to electric using this contribution? Who can do it? What is the deadline to claim the bonus?

Here is the contribution to facilitate the transition to electric of your vehicle!

14 million have been allocated for this important ecological initiative. The means involved in this operation are many. The Ministry of Infrastructure and Sustainable Mobility stated – in a note – which are the means that could be involved in this step. This is what it reads: “The vehicles affected by this electric conversion bonus range from minivans for the transport of people, to vehicles with more than eight seats, to vans for the transport of goods (categories M1, M1G, M2, M2G, M3, M3G, N1 and N1G) originally registered with an internal combustion engine which are transformed into vehicles with electric drive ”. The transition will also affect all cars.

Here is the state bonus for electrical retrofit: everything you need to know – Motori.News

Who can apply for the grant? Since November 10th (Law no. 156 passed on November 9th), it has been supplied to anyone who has installed a system on their car to switch from the internal combustion engine to the electric one. And the deadline for taking advantage of the bonus? The last date will expire at the end of the year and precisely on 31 December 2022!

To make the request, anyone interested will have to go online on a platform that will be created and managed by Consap for this occasion. The Ministry of Sustainable Infrastructure and Mobility (Mims) will soon inform you on the exact date on which you can connect to the IT platform!

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