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Bonus 500 euros, this scam is increasingly widespread: how to defend yourself

There are many reports to the police in relation to what happened to those who could take advantage of the 500 euro Bonus: the details.


The Bonus 500 euros, also known as bonus culture 18 years, is that peculiar provision that has as its main purpose to implement the training of young people who fall within this age limit. Until they come of age, children can take advantage of the benefits offered by this measure.

With the amount made available by the Bonus 500 euros you can access a whole series of services that will reimburse the expenses made to access for example libraries, cinema, theater, various shows, for the purchase of books or electronic devices that contribute the cultural growth of young people and also to gyms and sports disciplines.

Unfortunately, however, there have also been several reports of fraud perpetrated against boys who were entitled to receive the 500 euro Bonus. The most widespread concern providing the guarantee of changing the voucher from half a thousand euros provided by the state to complete the purchase of compatible services.

Bonus 500 euros, beware of the scam

500 euros

In reality, however, at a later time those directly concerned discover that this is not the case. And in particular there is the fake promise to change the aforementioned voucher with cash, in order to exceed the spending limits that the bonus entails. When this happens, be sure that it is always a scam.

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Without considering that it is also an offense on the part of those who are the beneficial owner of the bonus. The same in fact is not transferable or saleable and doing so is tantamount to breaking the law and going to meet penalties not just financial of some importance.

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In particular, there is an invitation from the authorities to contact a specific e-mail address. It is of the Ministry for Cultural Heritage and activities and serves to report potential cases of fraud. When someone proposes to turn the Bonus 500 euros into cash, this subject must be reported writing to:

[email protected]

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How do you get this Bonus? It is necessary to reach the platform specially created 18app and access via SPID, then confirm the data and the conditions of Use and finally a message will arrive at the e-mail box that we have indicated, in which we will be informed of the successful registration.

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