Home » today » News » Bonsai tree attracts talent, small and chubby, big like a sparkling green waterfall When you hear its name, you see gold and jade filling the house.

Bonsai tree attracts talent, small and chubby, big like a sparkling green waterfall When you hear its name, you see gold and jade filling the house.

If you are tired of these bonsai leaves, and then move to placing this row of lotus pearls. Ornamental plants It has a strange beauty with marble-like leaves linked in chains, heavy and shiny.

Plants bonsai This helps us to return to our childhood life, to be bold and innocent when we play with leaves like little green candy.

If you are bored with ornamental leafy plants, switch to growing this pearl succulent. Photo of Toutiao

Ornamental plants This guy is fat, chubby, cute and melts everyone’s hearts. It looks very pure, light green, the leaves are round and full, like elegant and beautiful pearls.

When bonsai Once your string of pearls has matured, it will descend to form a green curtain, again like a beautiful, beautiful waterfall.

Bonsai tree attracts talent, small and chubby, big like a shiny green waterfall When you hear the name, you see gold and jade filling the house - Picture 2.

This bonsai is fat, chubby, cute and melts everyone’s hearts. Photo of Toutiao

Features of the series of pearl stone ornamental lotus plant

Pearl lotus has many other names such as jade lotus, jade lotus or jade lotus. People may name it based on their link with their interesting pages.

Its English name is Funny bonsai These are very rural and rustic because people tie them with donkey tails or sheep tails (burro tail, donkey tail, burro tail, lamb tail).

The scientific name of this ornamental plant is Sedum morganianum, which belongs to the Crassulaceae family.

Bonsai tree attracts talent, small and chubby, big like a shiny green waterfall, when you hear its name, you see gold and jade filling the house - Photo 3.

It is funny that the English name of this ornamental plant is very rough because people associate it with a donkey’s tail or a sheep’s tail. Photo of Toutiao

You must also note that although the names are somewhat similar, this ornamental plant Sedum morganianum is different from Senecio rowleyanus (Senecio rowleyanus).

This ornamental plant is very popular with rows of teardrop-shaped, fleshy, blue-green leaves.

Native to Honduras and Mexico, mature specimens of the donkey tail plant grow slowly and steadily but can reach lengths of up to 1-2m in six years.

Bonsai tree attracts talent, small and chubby, big like a shiny green waterfall When you hear the name, you see gold and jade filling the house - Picture 4.

This ornamental plant is popular with Illustration Toutiao

The trunk of the tree has the shape of a long, thin, green string, from the branches grow several round seeds like small, juicy marbles. The fat, rounded, pearl-shaped, young green leaves are arranged in long chains on the main branches.

If it is properly cared for and given the right environment, this ornamental plant can grow well, drooping branches 1-2 m long, like a beautiful green waterfall, fresh and innocent.

The red or pink flowers of this ornamental plant can bloom in late summer, although the plant rarely grows indoors.

A Bonsai tree attracts talent, small and chubby, big as a sparkling green waterfall, when you hear its name you see gold and jade filling the house - Picture 5.

Indoors, succulents can be grown and propagated very easily. Picture of mountain gardens

Donkey tail is safe and considered non-toxic to humans or pets. They are usually grown as potted plants, often hung as beautiful hanging specimens.

Indoors, succulents can be grown and propagated easily throughout the year by taking cuttings or planting a fallen leaf on the ground, and outdoors it is best planted in early spring. .

The value of the string of pearls stone ornamental lotus plant

Bonsai tree attracts talent, small and chubby, big like a shiny green waterfall, when you hear its name, you see gold and jade filling the house - Picture 6.

This ornamental plant also helps to reduce the effects of radiation from electronic devices. Photo of Toutiao

This decorative plant is used to decorate living spaces to help you decorate your desk or shelves in a more beautiful way.

Like other succulents or cacti, this decorative plant helps to purify the air, helping to absorb all the toxic gases in the house, providing clean and cool air .

This ornamental plant also helps to reduce the effects of radiation from electronic devices. Therefore, you should put them on your desk so that the plant can promote this effect.

Bonsai tree attracts talent, small and chubby, big like a shiny green waterfall, when you hear its name, you see gold and jade filling the house - Picture 7.

This plant symbolizes strong will and perseverance. Photo of Toutiao

This plant makes you feel close to nature, avoids stress and anxiety, and gives you a source of positive energy to work more efficiently.

The feng shui meaning of the ornamental plant is the jade lotus

This plant symbolizes strong will, perseverance, and willingness to rise up in life. The beautiful green color of the stone lotus leaf also symbolizes pure, pure love and friendship, a sign of closeness, connection and loyalty of the couple.

Bonsai tree attracts talent, small and chubby, big like a shiny green waterfall, when you hear its name, you see gold and jade filling the house - Picture 8.

The red or pink flowers of this ornamental plant can bloom in late summer, although the plant rarely grows indoors. Photo reddit

Therefore, trees are very suitable as gifts for loved ones on special occasions to express sincere and precious feelings. In particular, leaves like pearls represent connection, wealth and prosperity.

According to the principles of feng shui, the jade plant is most suitable for people with the Fire element. Growing this plant in the house will help bring wealth and luck to the home owner. At the same time, creating a new and pure place, bringing benefits to people’s health.

The meaning and symbolism of this ornamental plant is often associated with the warmth of family and friendship.

Bonsai tree attracts talent, small and chubby, big like a shiny green waterfall, when you hear its name, you see gold and jade filling the house - Photo 9.

The meaning and symbolism of this ornamental plant is often associated with wealth and luck. Photo of Toutiao

First of all, a pearl necklace is a precious work of art. It represents a happy and beautiful state of mind by infusing warm feelings into the gem.

In addition, this ornamental plant is also associated with wealth, luck and longevity. In our traditional culture, jade is considered a precious thing and a sacred symbol. The jade plant carries this symbol, so many people choose to grow jade plants in their homes in the hope of attracting luck and wealth.

The flower language of the jade lotus is perfection, jade-like warmth, welcoming blessings… This ornamental plant symbolizes true love and luck.

Bonsai tree attracts talent, small and chubby, big like a shiny green waterfall, when you hear its name you see gold and jade filling the house - Picture 10.

The flower language of the jade lotus is perfection, jade-like warmth, welcoming blessings A familiar picture of your herbs

How to grow and care for jade lotus plants

1. Use loose, breathable granular soil for planting

This ornamental plant must be grown on loose and well-aerated soil. In places where the summer is not too hot, sandy river soil or relatively loose garden soil can be used.

In other areas, at least 60% of granular substrate must be mixed. If the soil is not heated, it causes root growth Ornamental plants rot and leaves fall and turn black.

Bonsai tree attracts talent, small and chubby, big like a shiny green waterfall, when you hear its name you see gold and jade filling the house - Picture 11.

In addition, this ornamental plant is also associated with wealth, luck and longevity. Photo of Toutiao

2. Repot regularly

This ornamental plant grows very quickly in the right environment and therefore needs to be replanted regularly. When you see that the branches and leaves are full, you need to replant.

If you do not transplant, the seedlings will easily become hard and affect the plant. It is best to replant in spring and autumn. You can gently shake the flower pot and then gently take it out.

Bonsai tree attracts talent, small and chubby, big like a shiny green waterfall, when you hear its name, you see gold and jade filling the house - Picture 12.

This ornamental plant grows very quickly. Photo of Toutiao

3. Pay attention to lighting and ventilation

The branches and leaves of this ornamental plant are very dense, so more ventilation is needed. If the ventilation is poor, scale insects grow easily, and leaves and roots rot easily when exposed to water.

Place it in an open environment with plenty of sunlight and good ventilation, especially in spring and autumn.

4. Water sparingly

Bonsai tree attracts talent, small and chubby, big like a shiny green waterfall, when you hear its name, you see gold and jade filling the house - Photo 13.

Place it in an open environment. Picture of igiarddinidiellis

You don’t need to water too often to grow this ornamental plant. Its roots, stems and leaves are fleshy and store a lot of water.

In general, it is enough to water once every six months. In the rainy season, you should take care to cover the water and keep the flower pot from stagnant water, so clean it quickly to avoid rotting roots.

Do you like this “house full of gold” decorative plant? If so, please make yourself some pots!

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